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Rosé's POV

Being an idol.. sometimes i feel like i cant be independent.. well yeah.. your life is being controlled... you had schedule that being arranged that you have to follow and so on. Lack of sleep? Its normal tho. But.


I felt relieved cause.. i dont have time to think of Jungkook .. im not so ready in relationship..ughhh..

Tour there and there.. its super tiring but at least i could satisfied myself to make BLINKS happy.

Im walking along the street.. not forgot to wear face mask and cap to cover myself.. enjoying the fresh air at the surroundings somehow could clear my mind.. watching people behavior around me.. especially hearing the laughter of a pair of couple.. i wish my life would be like them. But.. is it pos-


Bumping again with someone make me snapped from my thought.

Am i not tall enough tho? Why im always bumped with people nowadays?

"I'm sorry, beautiful lady."

Wait that voice.. familiar voice. That Aussie accent..

I looked up into that eyes..

I looked up into that eyes

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We meet again?

How coincidence..

Small world huh..

"I'm sorry..." with that i walk away from him.. ignoring him calling me with 'Rosie'..

I just groan in annoyance..

Is him stalker or what?

I walk faster completely ignore him..

And i dont even care to look at the traffic light before crossing the road..

Hearing car honking at me..

My body freeze out of sudden..

I just close my eyes..

Now if I keep my eyes closed...

Just die, dear self..



Y/N...He is a determined guy. He's gonna do everything what he want..

no one else could stop him.

He loves to help people especially girls.

He almost sacrifice himself for the sake of others.

[COMPLETED] Roses are Rosie .. | Rosé X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now