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"Speaking of that.. i guess.. its the same car just like in the video.." He said.. affirming me with his eyes wide.

I closed my eyes..resting my arm on my eyes.. sigh in frustration.

"Why dont i remember that thing? WHY WHY?!" I pull my own hair.. i am frustrated with myself.. i feel that im useless.. woke up from coma for nothing. Not remember any single thing..

"Y/N.. calm down man.. i promise.. i will help you as much as i can to make you remember back." He pat on my shoulder.

I never regret having him as my friend..

After a few weeks..

"Y/N.. this is our workplace.." he said as we stepped on the building..

I looked around..yeah i think i was here before..

I tailed him behind.. until he stopped his track.

"So this is our department. IT Department."

Everyone greet me.. some of them pulled me into hug.

"Glad you are back, y/n."

I flashed my assuring smile.. but with confuse.. yeah i cant really remember ..

"Come follow me.."

I followed him again until we stopped at a section..

"This is our place, y/n.. thats your PC." He pointed to his left hand side.

Once i dart my eyes to that PC..

I felt ..

Slightly pain on my head..

I hold my head..closing my eyes as i recalled something.. the flashback story.

"Hey wait! You cant go alone!"


"Hey hey.. are you okay?" He hold my shoulder.

I just nodded..



"The CCTV that i hacked before.. that you mentioned at me.. by any chance.. is it recorded? Maybe it could help me." I said.. as my curiosity is killing me.

"You wanna know something?" He smiled.


"You never told me whether you will record the video that you hacked or not. You are goon in keeping secret." He wriggle his eyebrow.

I guess i should share with him regarding that before..

Rosé's POV

We had busy schedule nowadays .. as we have tour around the world..

So today.. we were given a day off for us to hangout.

I asked my manager to drop me at Starbucks coffee..

Well.. coffee gonna gave me a good therapy..

That aroma.. lingering my nose could make me calm..

So i ordered an ice latte for myself..

Then i took my drinks and sat at the corner .. that near the window..

Staring at the windows.. watch people's behavior ..
I chuckled to myself.. when i remembered the thing that i said when i was small.. i wanna be a singer.. so it could make my life better.

The fact that.. covering your face.. face mask, cap, sunglasses.. these are the things that i cant even forget to wear it on public..

Dating secretly.. well yeahh its for his reputation..

But. The truth was..

You have another girl..


I dont know why..

I feel like..

I'm dying to know who is the owner of another car that blocked me from been hit by the trailer on that day. I knew it was a guy.. seems i managed to saw they carry him in stretcher and put him in the ambulance.

I was about to follow him inside..

But my sight became blurry ..

And everything turned to black..

I was awaken by sounds of arguing Jisoo unnie with my ex.

I groan in pain when i felt pain on my head.

They looked me ..

"You okay Chae?"

I nodded..

"Can you do me a favor unnie?"

"What is it?"

"Kick him out from this room.. NOW!"

Jisoo unnie looked at him while motioning him to get out.

I bursted into tears.. she pulled me into a hug..


There are something on my mind..


Many question in my mind..


Why he did that? Blocking my car? Is he do on purpose?

Or is he..

The culprit that do something bad on my car?

I sipped on my drink.. finishing it..

I walked to the exit door..

I was too careless maybe..

I accidentally bumped into someone..

I just bow to that person as gesture saying sorry.

The person didnt even move any inch..

Instead of move from my sight..

He slide down my face mask.. which it is out of my expectation.. but the weird thing is.. i just let it be..

I slowly lifted my head..

So it is a guy?

I dont even know a guy could be handsome and cute on the same time..

I found myself staring at this guy..


[COMPLETED] Roses are Rosie .. | Rosé X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now