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"Chang Bin?"

"Seo Chang Bin?"

"Hell yeah man! Thank god you remember me!" He attacked him with tight hug.

"I thought you gonna die, buddy."

"How could I die? I wanna mess with your life first." Y/N chuckled.

"I'm gonna leave you guys alone ya." Mrs Lee get up.

"See you later, mom.."

Y/N waved his hand to his mom.

"So.. do you remember anything?"


"Yeah.. i mean... what made you end up coma for six months."

"6 months? Coma?"

He closed his eyes as he trying to remember what happened back then.. he cant figure out anything..


Thorn of roses..


Thats all that he could see..

"You okay buddy?"

"Changbin.. i knew its ridiculous .but.. the last thing i remembered was.. i am the King of a kingdom.. i fall in love with a girl.. we are sentenced to death.. so i brought her to my secret place. She end up died. And i drank something that i believed it could bring me to the new environment."

Changbin stare at him blankly without blinking his eyes..

"See i know you wont believe me.

He rolled his eyes and turn her body to another direction.. letting Changbin face his back.

"Hey.. i didnt say that right. I know it is weird. But i believe you. There is nothing impossible in the world." He shake his body.

Y/N felt relieved.. at least someone believe on him. He turned around face him again...

"Mind to tell me.. what is the exact story, Changbin?"

"You sure you didnt remember any single thing?"


"Can i ask you something?"

"Yes sure, unnie.." jisoo placed her mug on the table and face the chipmunk girl.

"What makes you kept on driving even tho the traffic light turn to red?"

"I dont know what happen actually.. but.. i could tell that.. my brake didnt function well.. i stepped hard on it but its not working."

It make thing suspicious..

Well.. 'detective Jisoo' will comeout.

"You sure Rosé? It was not because you try to commit suicide after you saw your ex cheated on you?"

"Unnie.. i knew i was heart broken on that time.. but have my career to go on.. why would i killing myself.."

[COMPLETED] Roses are Rosie .. | Rosé X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now