936 49 17

?? POV

how could they dating ?

I slammed my fist on the desk when i saw that news.

Knock knock

The knock on the door interrupt my thought.

"Yes, hyung!"

"Have you take medicine?"

"I will take it later!"

"Dont forget ya!"


I sigh.

Im not a kid anymore.

I hate people controlling me.

I promised to myself..

If i cant have her... no one cant have her too.

I groan in frustration..

If only he follow my order properly..

This wont happen..

She would not get hurt..

And she would not meet him..

And she would not even know him..


i get up from my seat.. throw away all the stuffs..

Staring at her photo that i keep inside the drawer..

I love you Chae..

Dont you know that??


And im still at my office.. working as usual..

Since Rosie and I together.. everything is fine..

My officemates like to tease me..

I cant deny that.. sometimes i feel like my life is been recorded all the time..

So i took precaution bout this..

I covered my face as much as i could..

The fandom we called as BLINKS? Yeha Blinks..

Rosie said some of them accepting fact that she dating with non idol..

Some of them nahh..
They even shipped rosie with Jungkook. Ughh.

But.. i just keep remember what she told me..

"Babee.. all of the people can talk everything but.. they can ship me with other idols..but..they cant even decide what i want to... cause are the one i choose..i love you Lee Y/N.."

"Hey why you smiling in front of your laptop huh?"

Changbin like always .. like to ruining my daydreaming.

"Cant you even let me happy?" I said to him.

"Aishh...cant i even ask to you tho? I'm your bestie after all." He said shrugging his shoulder.

[COMPLETED] Roses are Rosie .. | Rosé X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now