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Author's POV

A month later..

Well Lee Y/N managed to win her heart..

She cant deny that.. he never failed to make her squeal inside.. blushing even more..

And ..


You ask bout butterflies?

Yeah.. the butterflies been wild in her stomach whenever y/n with her..

The kiss..

The hug..

That they sharing.. build more confident between them in loving each other..

They say love is blind. Oh my god! I'm so blind.

"Sweetie.. remember.. focus on our mission."

"Uh?" She said distractedly.

"Chae.. i hope you didn't forget the reason why I ask you to be with him..why i let you exposed yourself towards him."

"Dad.. I.."

"No more talking, chae. Remember..distract him. I will do my part" her father said seriously.

She nodded weakly..

Turn on her heels..

She walked slowly to her room..

She sighed..

While looking at ceiling..

"I wonder.. what you gonna react and feel if you know the truth."

Knock knock knock

He rubbed his eyes sleepily ..

Took glance at the clock.

0200H ..

He get off from the bed and walk to his bedroom door.. not asking who is it he just twist the door knob.

He was tackled by a tight hug..

Knowing this scent he knew that is her.

"Hey hey.. what happen?" She didn't say anything. Feeling something wet on his chest he knew that she's crying.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. We already stopped her but she too stubborn to see you at this hour."

"Its okay. I'm gonna talk to her."

They bowed to him and he quickly closed the door and locked it.. still holding her in his arm.

He as about to pull away but she tighten the grip around him.

"Please...lets stay like this for a while."

He surrender.

He stroke her back..

And she sob even more..

[COMPLETED] Roses are Rosie .. | Rosé X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now