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Rosé's POV

"Tell me what happened.." Jennie said as she sat beside me.

"Slow down Jen.. let her calm down first." Jisoo said as she pull me closer with her.. rubbing my arm..

I was tapping my feet on the ground and bitting my nails as nervous began to rise.

I felt like im the cause of everything bad..

"You can tell us it you ready to tell. Now drink this first. It could help you." Jisoo lend me a glass of hot chocolate.. taking my right hand to take it from her.
I dont hesitate to take it from her.. sipping it slowly.. as recalling what just happened. The six months ago thing and today's incident.

Closing my eyes..

That figure..

That creature..

That face..

The same person..

The same guy appear again..

Its just like.. i have something unsettle stuff with him.. but i dont even know him..but if its because of he saved me today..the. why he kept bothering in my mind after we bumped each other on the first day that i met him?

"Rosé.. i know something is bothering you. Mind to share?"

"I'm supposed to die since six months ago."

"There you go Rosé. Keep saying the same." Jennie scoffed.

"Jennie.. calm down." Jisoo said.

"Tell me anything that bother you."

"Today.. i almost get hit by car again."

"Omo! Then?" All of then gasped in disbelief as they cupped their mouth with widened eyes.

"Someone pulled me from there saving me.."

"Aishh thank god you are fine, Rosie.." jennie said as she pulled me into hug.

"Who was the one that save you?"

Someone's POV


"stop. *cough* please."

not even care what he said he grabbed his collar..slamming him again to the nearest wall.

" try to kill him."

"SHUT UP !" the atmosphere became even scarier than before. 

Being a boss of the group.. no one gonna stopped him what he doing.. even tho he trying to kill someone.

"whoever wanna stop me come here! bring it on!"

"No? Good then.." he smirked.

Walking back to the guy that was beaten by him..crouching down to his level..examining his face..

the face which is fulled of blood stain.

the guy cough..spilling it out the blood from his mouth..

"tsk tsk tsk.." the boss clicked his tongue..shaking his head in disbelief.

"your task is simple...but you failed.. tell me what do you need right now to make me happy again." he take out the cigarette from his pocket..put on his mouth..light the cigarette..pressing it between his lips..take off the cigarette using his two fingers and blow the smoke to that helpless guy.

[COMPLETED] Roses are Rosie .. | Rosé X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficWhere stories live. Discover now