Chapter 1- Where Am I?

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"Hope you guys like it. This was based on a dream that I had, but I'm going to add some things into this story to make it more interesting or whatever."

W-where, where am I?

How did I get here? Why am I hooked up to theses machines?

Wait a minute...why can't I remember anything?!

Who am I? Why am I here? What happened to me?

"Ah. Rachel you're finally awake. How do you feel" asked a doctor.

I'm sorry but who are you exactly?

Don't you remember, I'm ur doctor. My name is Danny.

Ok..excuse me Danny, why am I here?

Don't you remember? You were send here after an incident that happened to you.

And what was that incident exactly?

I can't say, my boss told me that I can't tell you anything if you ask me or anyone else.

Why can't I? If I'm here for a reason, then I should at least know what caused me to be in this...exactly what is this place?

This is an asylum for people that needs help. We try our best to help and understand them and their situation.

Well Danny, can I walk around? I wanna get of this bed and move my legs for a bit.

Of course, here let me help you get up.

'Danny helps Rachel to get up from her bed.'

Thanks Danny.

Now there's a buzzer if you need help. I'll let you go now to get that exercise that you want.

'Rachel wondering the halls and thinking'

Why can't I not remember anything? Do I have parents? Are they worried about me? Do I have any friends? Why can't I remember anything before I came here? How did I get here?

''High pitch psychopathic laugh'

What? Who's there? Is anyone here? Hello?

Isn't it funny on how I found you?

Who's there? Came out of hiding! Stop being a freaking coward!

'Now now, this isn't the perfect time to meet you face to face again, isn't it? I'll let you go around and enjoy whatever is going on with ur mind! Heheh. Until next time, my sweet darling Rachel.

" This is my second story. I hope you guys liked it. Till next time. XO"

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