Chapter 16- Who's Going To Be?

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"I'm publishing more. That's great. This story is coming to an end."

I have to get out of here, but how I questioned myself.

Wait..what is that in Danny's pocket? That's a knife..why does he have a knife? Was he going to kill me? Or Raven? Focus Rachel you have to get out of here and quick.

There. Finally I got this robe or whatever this is, off of me.

Now I have to find a way to get out of here.

*cough cough*. Crap, I can't breathe that much with this smoke building up.


Where's the nearest exit in this building.? I swore there was one close to the room that I was in I said.


Huh? What was that.?

*distance screaming*

I-I-is that...


Is that-..



Ray! Where are you.?!

Zack! Come and help me.!

Ray, where the fuck are you?! Yelled Zack.

I-I'm over here...I said softly.

Ray! There you are! Thank god I found, now come let's go said Zack. There's a exit near us so let's hurry up before this building falls onto of us.


Finally we made it outside said Zack. Are you ok Ray?

Yes I'll be ok just let me breathe some fresh air I answered.

I'm actually glad to know that you're still alive Rachel shouted someone.

Raven?! Shouted Zack.

Hello to you both. Zacky dear, I have someone who's very special to you and Rachel in my arms said Raven.

*crying baby noises*

Aurora! Screamed Zack. Put her down or I'll kill you!

Now Zacky dear, I'm giving you a option. You're choosing who gets to live, and the other gets to die, in which I'll have the pleasure to end their life in a snap said Raven. So who's going to be?

~End of Chapter 16~

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