Chapter 6- Back in the Asylum

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"Welcome to chapter 6. I'll try to post more, I don't exactly have a schedule for writing but I'll try my best. Enjoy."

~Rachel's POV~
I ran and ran and kept on running no matter what. I don't know who to trust, who to believe or even listen to. But I can tell you this...Zack seems to be the only person who I feel like I can rely on. Don't get me wrong or anything, Cathy and Eddie seems that they can be trusted too but idk, Zack is the only person that I can trust right now...wait.. Raven! Is she ok? Did she survived the attack? Did she died? I want to go back but I can' matter what happens...Zack told me to never look back..just keep on run..and so I did..I ran back to the asylum.

~End Of POV~

"Heavy Panting"

Danny! Danny, are you here? Has anyone seen Danny?

Dr. Danny left to pick up the supplies for the other patients, what's the matter miss? I'm doctor as well, you can talk to me.

I need Danny! He's my doctor! I can't trust no one else here in this asylum except Danny! Where is he?!

Miss, please, can you calm down so everyone sakes.

Don't tell me to calm down! Where's Danny! I really need to see him!

We're going to put you to sleep.

No! No! Let me go! I need to see him!

Hurry! Give me the medicine to put her to sleep.

~Ingesting the medication~

No! No. No...

~Half an hour passed by~

Wh-what happened to me?

Ah. You're awake Rachel, that's good to see.



What happened to me exactly?

The other doctors said that you were throwing a little tantrum and that you were asking for me and they were telling you to calm down but you said that you can't trust no one here except for me. So what happened, what caused you to get like this? What did you want to talk about?

I don't..remember.

That's ok. At least you're more calmer now. Anyways I'll be right back, I have to do some other things for the other patients.

That's fine.

~Danny exits the room

At least you're ok now.


Good to see you again Ray.

Zack. What are you doing here? How did you know that I was here.

So many questions Ray. Calm down.

*Zack squats down and places his hand on Ray's head*

*Zack squats down and places his hand on Ray's head*

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I'm just glad that you're ok Ray. I don't know what would I do if something was to happen to you.


Yes Zack..

~End of Chapter 6~

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