Chapter 4- Friends

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"Welcome to Chapter 4, enjoy reading this chapter."

Rachel...? Rachel. OMG! Rachel!

~Rachel tilts her head in confusion~

~Raven hugs Rachel~

You know idea how worried I was when I didn't hear from you! I tried call you, texting you, left you voicemails and even went to ur house to look for you but no one answered.

Wait? You know where I live also I'm sorry but I don't remember you at all.

Yea and really you don't? We've been friends since we were toddlers. We're basically like sisters since growing up, we were inseparable. If only Cathy and Eddie were here to see that you're ok and well.

Who's Cathy and Eddie?

I heard my name! Said Cathy in a high pitch voice.

Rachel! Darling, it's been too long that I heard from you!

~Cathy hug squeezes Rachel~

Rachel! You have no idea how much I missed you! I literally cried when I haven't heard from you, I felt like my heart was breaking into pieces everyday. *sniffs*

~Rachel feels uncomfortable~

Ugh..dramatic much Eddie. Seriously, if you don't hear from any of us then you use the same words all the time.

Shut the fuck up, you little bitch! You don't know anything about being in love with someone!


Eddie, shut up! You're scaring the little thing here.

Both of you just shut up! You're both are scaring her!

~Rachel's POV~

As I sit quietly with people who say that are my "friends", my mind is wondering on what that boy, Eddie said. That he loves me.

~End of POV~

I see you already meet up with her.

Z-z-zack!? What are you doing here?!

What? Can't a guy hangout with his friends all of a sudden?

N-no..w-we just thought that something happened to you after what happened that day..

Cathy! Shut up! We all promised that we wouldn't bring it up again!

Bring what up? And does whatever "happened that day" has to involve me?

What happened to you, Ray? Why all of a sudden you're pretending to not remember any of us and what happened that day?

I don't know any of guys. I don't you, you, you or you. I don't remember anything about what happened to me.

Hm...I probably have to remind you on what happened and whoever made me to forget about us.

~To Be Continued~

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