Chapter 2- Can I...

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"Welcome back to my story. Hope you enjoy it. I'll let you guys read now."

~Weeks later~

~Rachel's POV~

It's been weeks after a weird incident that I came across with someone or something. I didn't tell Danny anything unless I wanna be seen as a person that needs a lot of help. But everything seems to be ok with me. They're letting me to get more, they even let me be in their garden to get some fresh air and try to socialize with the other people here in this asylum.

~End of POV~

~Current Day~

Hello again Rachel, how are feeling today? Have you been socializing with other people here?

Hi Danny, and yes I am. Hey Danny..can I ask you a favor..?

Sure, after all you are my client. So what is it?

Can I...


Can I get out of this asylum..?



You'll have to speak with Gray about that.

Gray? Who's Gray?

He's in charge of this asylum. He decides on whether or not to let it happen.

When can I exactly see or speak to him about it?

You'll need to set up an appointment to see him..but I can say that it's an emergency so that way, you can speak to him.

Ok. Tell him that it's an emergency.

~2 hours later~

Rachel Gardner, please head to the main hallway. Mr. Gray would like to see you.

~Rachel's POV~

I feel nervous. I'm anxious. I don't know what to say. I don't even know how to start the conversation.

~End of chapter 2~

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