Chapter 7- Tender Moment

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"Welcome back readers. I'm trying to write as much as I can do so far but don't worry I'll keep on trying. Now, back to the story."

~Rachel's POV~

I'm confused. Feeling my body heating up from his touch. As he stares into my eyes, I see him smile, just a little but something about his smile attracts me to him.

 As he stares into my eyes, I see him smile, just a little but something about his smile attracts me to him

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. I blushing? Does he knows? Is that why he's smiling...bc I'm blushing?

~End of POV~

~Zack's POV~

As I'm looking through her crystal, deep blue eyes..she's blushing into a deep red color. I don't think she notices that but if she does, then it's really cute that she's letting this happen. There's no denying that I still feel the same way when we first met.

~End of POV~


Yes Zack...

How are you feeling after earlier today.?

I'm ok ig just still need to recover to remember what happened.

What do you mean.? What happened to you? Did they do something to you?

They..just had to put me down to sleep that's all.

What?! Why?!

Bc I was kinda throwing a tantrum earlier today when I arrived here.

Why were you?

Idk, my brain wasn't thinking, body just reacted on its own.

Well I'm here now Ray, so don't you worry. I'll protect you.

~3rd Person POV~

As Zack and Rachel kept looking at each other's eyes, the intensity between the two was growing and heating things up. Rachel immediately grabs Zack by his hoodie and kisses him passionately. Zack was stunned but he wanted this so much that he couldn't hold back anymore, he kiss her back passionately and aggressively.

 Zack was stunned but he wanted this so much that he couldn't hold back anymore, he kiss her back passionately and aggressively

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~End of Chapter 7~

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