Chapter 12- The Truth is Reveal

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(New chapter. Hope you guys like this new chapter.)


This is our little one. Our daughter.

C-can I hold her, Zack.?

Of course Ray. She is our daughter after all.

~Rachel's POV~

As Zack hands her to me. I can see their resemblances. She has his hair color. She has his nose but what stands out the most is her eyes. She has my crystal blue eyes. She's beautiful. What happened to me before I lost my memory.? I'll ask Zack and this time he has to answer me.

~End of POV~


Yea, Ray.?

I want you to answer the question that I'm going to ask you.

And which is.?

What happened to me.? How come I don't remember anything not even how I conceived her.?

Ray, I-...

Answer me, Zack. The truth.

Sigh...ok. I'll tell you.

Before you lost your memory, we were pretty much know.


We were friends with benefits. No one knew only Raven. She promised to it a secret. After that, you told me that you were pregnant. I was shocked and you were in denial but it was later confirmed when you went to the doctors.

So what happened then.? How did I lose my memory?

8 months later, you were in labor. You gave birth to Aurora but the same guy that attacked us at the cemetery about a month ago, he attacked us. He somehow knew that you went into labor. Since we were living in a abandon house, he lit the house on fire. I was separated from you and our little girl. But I was able to find her but I couldn't find you that's until the police arrived, they saw me and they thought that I lit up the house on fire so I had to run away from the scene, which I had to leave you behind.

Do you know who was it.?

No, I'm still searching for that person.

Hello Rachel. It's time for your medicine-...


~End of Chapter 12~

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