Chapter 18- Me and My Psychopathic Killer

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"This is the final chapter. Sadly but I really hope you enjoyed this story."

Everything has been quiet since I escaped from the building.

Zack and I are working on how to take care of Aurora and what are we going to do when she grows up since me and Zack don't jobs, we're trying to find a way on getting her new things that babies need but right now we're focusing on her right now.

Me and Zack been doing really well especially now since me and Zack got married.

(Rachel and Zack wedding)

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(Rachel and Zack wedding)

Aurora is growing up so fast in our eyes. Zack doesn't like the idea of her not being his little girl anymore once she's old enough.

We seen in the news that Gray told the police what he told us, we also learned that Raven is still alive but it is in a coma, they aren't sure if she'll survive as well as her baby but for now we'll have to be extra cautious.

~5 years later~

Momma! Dada! Screamed Aurora.

Yes my sweet angel I said in a calm, soft tone.

Is something wrong Aurora! Screamed Zack.

No dada, there's a boy who kissed me in my cheek said Aurora in a happy voice.

He WHAT?! Screamed Zack.

Zack, don't scream at her, she's only five. Now baby, why did he kissed I asked.

He said that I'm cute and very funny said Aurora while blushing.

No boy is allowed to touch. If any boy comes near you, you hit them in the stomach said Zack in serious tone.

Why dada? I don't want to hit boys said Aurora.

Zack! You can't teach her violence. I yelled.

As months passed by, Aurora and Zack have been having their disagreements on why she has to hit boys or why she shouldn't. It actually makes me kinda laugh since Zack just wants Aurora to be his little girl but he can't since she'll grow up and be a young lady.

Aurora became a big sister. I got pregnant after 4 months that I escaped. I gave birth to twins, one is a girl, the other is a boy. We named the our son, Isaac like Zack. We named our daughter Rarity.

Well that's my story of Me and my Psychopathic Killer.

~End of this story~
Breaks my heart to end this story. 😢 but it was fun to write it. Don't worry you'll expect more from me. See you next time.

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