Chapter 5- Another friend...?

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"Sorry that I'm taking long to upload another chapter...I've been distracted with school and writing my story...I hope you understand...enjoy the new chapter"

Ray, what happened was that-...

Long time, no see Rachel my dear.. I really missed ur presence near me..

Uh..who are you..?

That doesn't matter..I just wanna show you something to remember me by...

~Rachel's POV~

Who is this guy.? Does he knows like the rest of them ? Is he one of my friends too? But I do know this..I'm getting a really bad sense from him...and what does he mean that he's going to "show me something to remember him by..."

~End of POV~

*Rachel jumps off the bridge, and so does the stranger.*

Hey! I wanna do that too but I'm little afraid of heights, so can you help me down?

Sure, give me ur legs first in order to help you out.

Sure, no problem, thanks.

No problem.

*The stranger brings out a machete and stabs Eddie in the chest*



What the-...

Run everyone! Run!

Shut up, you hoe!

*The stranger then cuts off Cathy's arm off*


Rachel, my dear, please don't run..all I'm doing is getting rid of anyone on who's trying to come between us, my love...

You're fucking sick man! Rachel doesn't even remember any of us, not even the incident that happened! Screamed Zack.

Well isn't that a tragedy...ig I ruined everything...I could've make her believe that she was in love with me...everything would've been perfect but's not...all bc of you! ISAAC FOSTER!!!!

Bring it! Rachel, run! Run away from here, now!

~3rd Person POV~

As Rachel heard those words from Zack, she turned and made a run for it, and she's going straight to the asylum just like how Danny recommended her to do if something happens. She could hear Zack and that stranger fighting in the cemetery then she hears someone calling her name out in a distance.

~End of Chapter 5~

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