Chapter 8- Swear

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"Hi readers, I'm back with another chapter and I'm trying to write more so please give me some patience. Thanks, enjoy."

~Rachel's POV~

As we parted our lips from each other, millions of questions were wondering in my head. Are me and Zack are a thing? Or not? Are we just friends but hiding out feelings from each other? Does he love me? Do I love him? Everything is so confusing.

~End of POV~


Yea Ray.

Are we..are we a thing?

Huh? What do you mean?

Were we dating before I lost my memory? I don't remember but can you tell me what were we?

I think it's best if you remember on your own.

Huh, why? Why can't you just tell me.

*sigh*. I don't want to put a lot of pressure on you and it's a lot to take in and I don't wanna fill your brain up with lies or things that you believe is either true or false.

But I want you to know this..I know you'll meet a guy that'll give you a good life. You'll have your own, your own kids, your own happy life.

Zack I-..

~Knock Knock~

Rachel. It's me, Danny, are you awake? If so, you have to take your medication now.


Who the hell is Danny?

He's my doctor. He's the one that helped me out with getting permission to get out of the asylum. Zack, you gotta go, I don't want Danny to see you.

I'll come back and check on you.

You swear?

I swear.

~End of Chapter 8~

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