Chapter 13- I Hate You!

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"Happy early Valentine's Day! There's a chance that I'm going to release a new chapter tomorrow since it's Valentine's Day tomorrow."

Hello Rachel, it's time to take your medication-...


Security! Security! We have a unknown stranger in one of the patients room! Hurry before he hurts her! Screamed Danny.

No! Danny! It's not what it looks like! Please call them off! They're not hurting me or doing anything to me! Cried out Rachel.

T-that...that's sounds just like the same person that attacked us last month and the same one that separated us when you gave birth. Said Zack. was your doctor that attacked us all this time.

W-what.?! This can't be true! This doesn't make any sense!

He's right...I was the one that attacked you guys. I even made you forget everything by injecting something into your head but no one will believe you.

Where's the intruder, doctor Danny? Said one of the security guards.

He's right there, holding a child that you kidnap.

No! It's not true! That's my daughter and he's the father! Don't believe him! Screamed Rachel.

Then why does he have a weapon in his hand? Asked the main security.

~3rd person POV~

Zack whipped his scythe to the security guards. Immediately blood appeared. One of security has his hand chopped off, the other one had his stomach sliced half opened, and the others are in a puddle of their blood. Zack quickly grabbed Aurora and leaned to Rachel, he then said "I'll get you out here soon, I promise."

~End of POV~

After him you idiots! Screamed the security guy. We can't let him escape.

~Back in the asylum~

I hate you Danny! I hate you so much! I'm going to kill you with my bare hands! Screamed Rachel.

~To Be Continued~

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