Chapter 3- Hello..I'm Rachel.

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"Welcome back! Hoped you like the first two chapters of the story. I'll let you guys read now."


Welcome Rachel. Please come in child. Don't be afraid.

Ok. I'm Rachel Gardner.

I know ur name child. I'm Gray, the CEO of this asylum. Now I heard that you have something urgent to talk to me about, is that right?

Yes. That's true.

And what's that my child?

I wish..

You wish for what?

I wish to get out of this asylum, to go out to the real world just to walk around and I'll come back to the asylum.

Hmm...very well then, I'll allow you to get out and explore the world that you know.

Thank you so much sir.

Please call me Gray, Rachel.

Ok Gray.

~20 minutes later~

~Rachel's POV~

I finally get to go out and see the world again. Maybe just maybe I'll probably run into my parents or my parents run into me! Maybe I have friends that I'll run into or they'll come up to me and probably start questioning me on where I've been this entire time..who knows, but I do know this..someone or something is outside this asylum waiting for me, to talk to me, hangout with me, or just maybe they'll help me get out of here. But anyways enough thinking, I'm going to have to see that myself. *Deep breathe* ok, I got this. You got this Rachel. Now to the exit.

~End of POV~

Good luck Rachel. I hope you have fun out there just remember if anything happens, come here immediately, so that we can protect you.

I will Danny and thank you for hearing me out and helping me to talk to Gray on letting me to go out.

Heh, it was nothing Rachel. Now go on, have fun.

~Rachel leaves the asylum~

Wow..I actually forgot how the outside world looks like. People talking, laughing, making out in public. I wonder how does that feel, to feel the love of ur partner.

Now what to do-...

~Rachel sees something that catches her attention and reads "Black City Cemetery".

Why do I feel like this place should be familiar like I've been here before or something happened here? Oh! There's a bridge just in the middle of the cemetery.

~Rachel walks over to the bridge and sits down on it~

Why do I feel like I have a connection or a history here, in the cemetery. *Deep sigh*.

You too come here to think?


Don't worry. I don't bite. Hi, I'm Raven.

Hello.. I'm Rachel.

~To Be Continued~

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