Chapter 10- The results are in

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"Happy New Year's Eve everyone! I hope you have a wonderful 2018/2019. Hope you guys a safe and fun celebration with ur family."

~3 weeks later~

~Rachel's POV~

I've waited for what seemed forever for the results of my blood test. I've been asking myself on what may be wrong with me. Was it that time of the month? Just a normal sickness? Or is this a side effect of one of medicines that they're giving me? Only time can tell as I wait for the results. But my mind wonders back to Zack. Where could he be. It's been almost a month ever since I've seen him.

~End of POV~

*knock knock*

Rachel. It's me, nurse Wilde, well nurse Olivia, I have the results. You did requested that I come to you to give you the results.

Oh yes, come in Nurse Olivia.

Hi Rachel. Are you ready for the results?

*deep breaths*

I'm ready Olivia.

Ok. So I'm sorry if it took so long but I have it now. So the reason why you were feeling nauseous was because-...

Hello Rachel, I just wanted to give you your-... Nurse Wilde..what are you doing here? Were you here to give Rachel her medication?

Doctor Danny..and no I was giving Rachel the results that she requested to be tested out remember?

Oh yes, of course but why didn't you just gave the results to me?

I asked her to not give them to you. I just wanted this to be between us girls..I'm sorry Danny if I didn't inform you about this.

It's ok Rachel but you must warn me next time unless I'm going to have to report that.

Doctor Danny, you don't have to go that far into reporting this incident. I promise that this won't ever happen again.

Anyways I gotta go, I have another patient to treat right now. I'll give you your results when I'm finished with my other patients, is that ok Rachel?

Of course.

Now Rachel, it's time for your medication.

Ok Danny.

~End of Chapter 10~

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