Chapter 15- Raven

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"Enjoy this new chapter."

Who helped you separate me and Zack? I said to Danny.

Well it was your dear friend..Raven. Whispered Danny to my ear.


Are you in denial that your best friend, whom you been friends with since you both were toddlers, betrayed you like that, said Danny. Anyways, sorry to cut our conversation short but I just wanted to see you my love. I'll see you tomorrow, goodbye.

Was he being serious? Did Raven really betrayed me b/c she likes Zack? No, he was playing with mind. He's playing mind games. But I yet don't know where she is.

Thinking Rachel said a girl.

R-Raven?! I yelled.

Sup' Rachel she said in a cold, tone. How's life here, in the asylum? Good? Bad? Or neither?

Tell me the truth Raven, did you helped Danny separate me from Zack just so he can be all yours? I asked.

It's about time you finally realized that said Raven. I've been in love with him since the first time that I met him but of course YOU came in between us! You then got pregnant with him and I planned out everything. I waited for you to give birth, I then told Danny to attack both of you.

I can't believe this...and here I thought I could depend on you..muttering underneath my breath.

Well you thought wrong, you little bitch! Yelled Raven while grabbing my face to face her.

What's going on here? Why are you grabbing my girls face like that said Danny.

It's none of your concern, you freak! Screamed Raven. It's girl talk.

Are you ok Rachel, my love? Asked Danny.

Well, now that our plan was taken care of, it's time to end our deal here Danny said Raven.

*Bang Bang*

W-why.? I-I helped you...said Danny.

True but don't forget what I had to do in order for you to help me. You forced me to sleep with you, Danny and guess what?! I'm pregnant with your baby! Screamed Raven.'re lying..Danny said gasping for air.

Unfortunately I'm not..but I'll use this kid to lock Zack down smirked Raven.

What do you mean by that I asked.

I'm going to burn this place down. I'll then exit the building, leaving you both to die in here. When Zack founds our that you're dead, I'll be there to comfort him and even seduce him and tell him that I'm pregnant with him giggled Raven.

There's no way in hell I'll let that happen, I yelled.

Too late, I've already burned half of the building, which means that I have to go. Bye doll face, I'll see you in hell. Winked Raven.

~End of Chapter 15~
This story is coming to an end so enjoy the story while you can.

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