Chapter 17- Gray

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"Reminder, this story is coming to an end. Well enjoy."

So Zack, who is it going to be, the bitch herself or the baby that you adore and love so much said Raven. I'm waiting for an answer Zack.

Kill me instead you little bitch! Yelled Zack.

You're not an option Zack said Raven. But I guess I have to choose for you then. I choose...the baby said Raven. Say goodbye to your daughter Zack and Rachel.

No! Screamed both Zack and Rachel.

*Bang Bang*

W-who shot..I asked but paused to see him.

G-Gray?! I said in a shocked voice.

I beg you to forgive my niece for her attitude towards you both and your daughter said Gray.

I-I thought you died or escaped the building I stuttered a bit.

I'm alive and well, now get out of here before the entire police department arrives, I'll tell them the truth about my niece burning the building and I'll try to prove your innocents Zack so that way you don't have worry about get arrested said Gray.

Thank you so much Gray, I said as tears filled my eyes knowing that our daughter was ok and that this was over.

Oh thank god you're ok my little angel I said while hugging her tight.

Yea now we can all be together as a family which it should've been like a month ago said Zack.

Yea I'm just happy that you both are ok I said while holding Aurora and hugging Zack real tight.

~End of Chapter 17~

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