Chapter 9- Can I trust you?

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"Merry Christmas readers! Sorry that I haven't post anything new. I've been dealing with some family issues. I'll try to post. Well enjoy this new chapter 🙂."

~Rachel's POV~

It's been a week when me and Zack shared that tender kiss. I haven't heard from him or even seen him. I've been thinking of who was that person that killed Cathy and Eddie. Me and Danny have been get along pretty well but I think sometimes he needs some help as well but I don't say anything.

~End of POV~

Hello Rachel. How did you sleep last night? Did you had any problem sleeping?

No, not really but I was feeling really nauseous when I was going to sleep last night.

Hm. I'll ask one of the female nurses to check that out and see what's wrong.

Oh ok, thanks Danny.

~A few minutes later~

Ok Rachel. I'm going to scan you and take a sample of your blood and I'll give you your results once they're done.


~A few hours later~

Alright Rachel, once the results are done. I'll give them to Danny to tell you, ok?

Can you not give them to Danny. I just want you to give them to me.

Why not, Miss Gardener? Doctor Danny is your doctor.

I know he is but I want this between us girls.

Ok Miss Gardener. I won't tell Danny about the results.

Can I trust you uh...

Nurse Wilde. My name is Olivia Wilde but you can call me Olivia.

Can I trust you Olivia?

I'm 100% percent sure you can trust me, Miss Gardener.

~End of Chapter 9~

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