CHAPTER 2 ~ New house

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Andy was exhausted, they had finally reached their new house after hours of driving. They had to stop 3 times because Andy had to be sick and Luna had to be changed.

Luna Lux Fowler was not Andy's child by blood, that would be kind of hard seeing as he was still a virgin. But when he was fifteen, his sixteen year old friend had gotten pregnant. The father had left her and Andy promised he would be the father figure that the baby would need.

Luna's mother died during childbirth and the right were automatically passed on the Mrs. Fowler since Andy wasn't an adult. Luna was Andy's child, just not legally until he was 18.

Andy chose his daughters name on a whim. He loved to sit outside in the moonlight and watch how it illuminated and casted shadows on the world. Luna, meaning moon, Lux, meaning light.

Andy unbuckled his daughter from the car and walked her inside. He needed a nap, really bad.

He couldn't remember the last time he got a decent night sleep. He knew it was well before Luna was born, almost a year ago.

"Mum" Andy whined. As a sixteen year old, he was still allowed to do that. As a teenager, you never realise how much you depend on your parent until you are one yourself or you lose them.

Andy was very grateful that his mother was still in his life. Especially to help out with Luna.

"Yes, honey" Andy's mum smiled slightly and walked up to him. He rested his head against her shoulder.

"Can you take Luna around the city? I'll start unpacking here, but I really need a rest" Andy smiled tiredly and his mum just simply ruffled his hair.

"Of course Darling, i'm always here if you need me" she said.

"Thanks, I love you"

"I love you too Andrew"

"And I love you baby, yes I do" Andy cooed to his beautiful daughter as he tickled her. She laughed and he handed her to his mum.

It was hard to tell that Andy wasn't Luna's biological father because, they both had blue-green eyes and dark brown hair, though Andy's was died blond on the top now. They had the same nose but that was where similarities ended.

"I'll see you in a bit" Andy yawned and began walking into the new house. The day after tomorrow Andy would start the new school. He wasn't afraid of starting a new school, he just hated getting used to new people. Everyone is different and they see things differently.

Assessing people is his thing. So he knows how to keep his secrets.

Don't get Andy wrong, he wasn't ashamed of Luna, not in the slightest. He just didn't want to know how people would react upon know that he, a 16 year old, already had a child. How they would treat her and the negative publicity they could possibly get.

After unpacking the kitchen boxes and calling the moving company to move the furniture in, Andy drug in Luna's crib and assembled it before curling into a ball on the cold hardwood floor.

He would get his matress later, for now he was extremely tired.

Andy woke twice in the night to throw up. The first time, it was barely past eight, meaning his mum would be home with Luna soon. He tried to stay awake long enough for them to return but ended up falling asleep again after pulling in his mattress and wiping down his sick germs from Luna's crib.

The second time he woke it was early morning, 3 am. His daughter was sleeping adorably in her crib, holding tightly to a little bumblebee stuffy. He fell asleep again only to wake to the babbling of his daughter,

"Dada, dada, dada!" she squealed.

"I'm up baby, good morning" he cooed as he crawled over to her crib. She reached out her arms in the familiar routine that had started almost a year ago.

"It's breakfast time Luna. are you ready to eat?" he asked rubbing the baby's tummy.

"Eat- eat!" she laughed. Andy's eyes widened a fraction and he spoke in a high pitched voice.

"Oh my gosh, she said her second word! MUM!" he yelled. Luna started to cry at his loud voice and he immediately reprimanded himself and rocked her back and forth, trying to get her to

calm down. She quieted in second's as Andy's mum came rushing in. Luna was a very good baby, easily scared but just as easily calmed.

"What is it Andrew, has something happened?" his mum asked, sounding worried.

"Mum, Luna just said her second word. Can you say it again for me baby?" he rubbed her hair and Luna just clapped happily.

"Are you ready to eat, Luna?" Andy cooed.

"Eat! Eat-eat!" she cheered. Andy just laughed in his high-pitched adorable chortle and pulled his daughter closer.


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