CHAPTER 4~new kid?

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Ryan pov

Rye was loving his morning. It was Thursday and the boys and I had spent it in the fortress in the woods.

Now, we were late for history class but one of Rye's best mates, Jack, his mum taught the class. I knew we wouldn't be in too much trouble.

"I can't believe you guys, we're fifteen minutes late!" Mikey whined.

"Oh shut up, Mr. 'I just want to get a good education'' Brook mocked.

"I do!"

"The only thing you need to worry about is getting a good music education. We need to make our band soon" I cut in.

"I need a back up in case we completely fail"

"You have so little faith in our relationships" Harvey said, a hand over his heart.

"You aren't even going to be in the band!" Mikey slapped his boyfriends arm.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"We all know that you plan on going solo so..."

"Aw guys, when did you guys figure out?" Harvey asked.

"You talk in your sleep" Mikey answered, "were you ever going to tell me- us?"

"Of course I was Mike, it's not a huge secret. I just hadn't gotten around to it because I wasn't completely sure with that. A-are you guys okay with me going solo?"

"Of course, as long as you promise to stay with us even when you rise to undoubted fame" Rye joked.

"I tell you what. We all become artists and we try to get the same manager, sound good?"

"That is a good idea" Rye said. He then realised that the group was missing two people. He stopped in his tracks and looked around. He spotted jacklyn up against a wall, getting really
close and personal.

"JACKLYN!" he yelled. Both boys turned to him blushes across their cheeks. Rye was honestly kinda lonely because he was still single but he wouldn't admit that because on whim he had lied
to the boys and told them that he was talking to someone. As if.

As far as the other four knew, Rye was as straight as a board. He was just really scared to come out to them, though he had no idea why, seeing as they were all gay and in relationships.

Rye was one-hundred percent sure that if he met the right boy and he still wasn't out to his friends he would tell them. Though he really hoped he would have the courage to do it before

Ryan opened the door to his history class and let Jack walk in first.

"Sorry we're late Mrs. Duff" he said to his mum. Rye held back a snicker,

"Jack, you left the house this morning around five am. How are you late?" she responded. A few small laughs rattle the air.

"I was hanging with the boys mum, I'm sorry" Jack said looking to the ground. Oh no, he was feeling guilty. Jack was the type who didn't like to have people disappointed in him.

Rye watched as Brooklyn grabbed the irish boy's hand, no one else could see do the the other three blocking them from view. No one at the school, besides a select few knew that Jack and Brook were together, or that Mikey and Harvey were.

Jacklyn said that they wanted to keep it a secret, but with the way they make out every chance they got, Rye didn't see it happening for very long.

"Take your seats, all of you" Jack's mum sighed.

"Wait, you won't make us get a tardy?" Harvey said. Rye was about to slap him, why did he act so stupid? Before he even moved an inch to swat Harvey, Mikey gave him a death glare. Rye backed off immediately as Mrs. Duff spoke again.

"No Harvey, now take your seat before chnage my mind and say otherwise"

"Thanks Mrs. Duff" Brook said with a wide grin.

"Seat" she snapped, pointing to a seat. Rye looked and saw five open seats surrounding a guy with dyed blond hair. They all went and sat down,

"Hey, you're new aren't you? I'm Harvey Cantwell" Harvey said, turning to the stranger.

"That's Jack Duff, Brooklyn Wyatt Gibson, Michael Cobban, and Ryan Beaumont" Harvey said, pointing at every one of us.

"I'm called Mikey" Mikey said.

"And I'm called Brook, he's called Rye" Brook said. I was sitting behind the boy so I didn't see his face as silence ensued for a moment.

He nodded his head at the others, "Andrew Fowler" he said. He waited a second before adding.

"I'm called Andy"

After that Jacklyn goofed off and Marvey passed notes. Rye sat in the back, writing lyrics and thinking of a band name. Somewhere close to the end of class Andy turned and looked at him.

"What do you have next?" He asked.

"Chemistry with the other four, Mr. Kelley. You?"

"He bent down and began to rummage through his satchel, pulling out a folded piece, he read it. Rye caught anwhiff of soap that immeadiately reminded him if a baby.

"Chemistry, mr. Kelley. Do you think I could walk with you guys?" He asked shyly.

"Course you can" Rye replied.


"So, Andy. Where are you moving up here from?" Brook asked, as we climbed one of the many flights of stairs. We had just left history and were now going to chem class.

"Oh um, just up north, a couple hours away from here.

"Oh cool"


"anyway. This is the class. You can sit my me if you want" mikey suggested.

"But I always sit beside you" Harvey whined.

"I meant on the otherside dofus. Andy?"

"Oh um, s-sure"


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