CHAPTER 16~ conclusions

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Rye watched as Andy's soft lips brushed against the girls cheek. Who the hell was she? He turned and left to class before Andy could spot him.

Rye didn't understand fully... But he felt like his chest was caving in. Why did it hurt. Andy was just a boy... A boy that he liked- a lot, As a friend. Yes, a boy he likes alot as a friend.

"Rye... Are you alright?" Brook asked.

"Uh yeah... Fine" rye smiled tightly and took his seat. Brook and Mikey sat in either side of h, their boyfriends next to them. Rye keeps his head down as Andy walks in. Andy sits in the chair in front of Mikey without sparing any of them a single glance.

Rye didn't understand what was happening, was Andy mad? And if so why? What happened at the coffee shop was all that he could think of. The way the blond had run from the shop in a mess of emotions. After having the blind yell at him, Rye didn't feel too good after. He inky wanted to help.

Then there was the Gabriel issue. Gabriel Simmons... He hadn't lied to Andy when he said the name sounded familiar. However, Rye actually had a very good memory and he remembered Gabriel Simmons very well. Even when they were younger he seemed so dark. No one else saw it but Rye always saw the true Gabe when they were alone.

Rye had little to no doubt that Gabriel would go after Andy, but that still left several unanswered questions, Like why? Why was Gabriel after Andy and his mum.

"Who? Claire?" Andy's somewhat loud voice broke through Rye's curious thoughts.

"Yeah, I've never seen you two talking before" Mikey said.

"Claire's my girlfriend" Rye watched the taunting pink lips pull into a smug smirk. Rye wasn't sure whether to be mad or to entertain the thought of claiming those soft supple lips again.

Wait... Girlfriend? Rye held in a gasp as Andy's words sunk in. He looked down, twiddling his thumbs. Girlfriend, Rye pushed away the heat that was building behind his eyes and burning his throat. Why was this so confusing? Not even that long ago they kissed. Was Andy just using him?

"And I don't know anything about you, but we're friends...or were." Rye caught the last of the conversation as Andy shrugged his small shoulders and left. Only then did Rye realise he was standing and the bell had rung.

Andy didn't deem like the type of person to act like this. Rye wondered what was happening, there was something more going on, more than what that Gabriel
Simmons man had done. Rye's mind was back at the coffee shop, had he done something wrong? He couldn't think of anything he said that might have set Andy on this destructive hurtful path.

"Hey, old wise one, any idea on what's happening to Andy?" Rye asked Mikey.

"Eh, I'm trying to figure something out. I don't have a lot of information" Mikey said.

Harvey was out to dinner with Jack's mum and Jack. once every week Mrs. Duff took Jack and one of his friends out to eat. It was Harvey's Turn and Robbie was on a store
run. As a result, Mikey and Rye were laid out on Rye's huge bed, Netflix playing in the background.

"I've been meaning to tell you, the other day I went to Ginger's with Robbie for coffee and I saw Andy there. He was with some man and Andy looked extremely uncomfortable, maybe even a little mad. So after the man left I went to Andy, he said that the man's name is Gabriel Simmons" Rye turned to look at Mikey who was looking at him with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Look, I know I always complained about him, but he threatened to kill Andy's mum....he is freaking dangerous and crazy, there is no way I'm going to let him near
Andy!" Rye exclaimed, pulling himself to sit up.

Mikey contemplated his next move. Normally he would tell Rye about the
conversation he had with Andy about Gabe wanting to take Luna, but that clearly
wasn't an option. Mikey had a choice to be vague, but that could lead to unwanted
questions, like why Mikey was the only one who knew. How was he supposed to answer that,

'Oh, the other day when Andy didn't come to classes I went and found him during
free period and he told me all about his life before he met us' definitely not. And despite being exceptionally intelligent, Mikey wasn't a good liar. He could lie once,
but the subject always came back up again and he always ended up spilling the beans. So it was better to keep his mouth shut about the whole thing in general, because Andy's life was no joke, there was no risk Mikey was willing to take. So he left it simple,

"Gabe is back?" he feigned surprise. Mikey was well aware of the stupidity of this option, but it was better than the previous.

"Yeah...but there is more I tried to comfort Andy and he blew up. He told me to leave and that he couldn't be around me" Mikey took in Rye's hurt look.

"Well, what was said before that?" Mikey asked, digging for more information.

"Well, I told him that I didn't think Gabriel would actively come after him and that if
he was smart he would plan his attack and leave hints, y'know if he wanted to terrify Andy-" Mikey sat up quickly with an incredulous expression and Rye corrected himself.

"I didn't actually say that last part... anyway, I told him that Gabriel would slip up, that we just had to wait. Then he yelled at me saying that he didn't want to wait for him to slip up. I asked him to calm down and told him it would be okay. Then he yelled and told me that he couldn't calm down and I was rich and privileged so I didn't understand" Rye finished. Mikey was silent, a deep frown etched on his features.

"I know this isn't what you want to hear..." he started slowly, "But I think that the best
thing we can do for him is wait patiently" he was right, it wasn't what Rye wanted to
hear. He was just so worried for Andy and he himself was terrified of what could
happen if Gabe actually hurt Andy, He couldn't lose Andy.

"You're right... That's not what I want to hear. If Gabe gets close to Andy, I'm not sure what I'll do" Rye said slumping back on the bed.

"I know" Mikey sensed the end of the conversation and turned up the television. He layed back down and turned his attention to his long time best friend. Rye's eyes were on the TV but he wasn't really seeing or listening. His mind was on Andy.

And it was that moment that, in the current state of protectiveness he was in, Ryan Leonard Beaumont realised he might be in love with Andrew Robert Fowler.


Sorry this isn't a very long chapter but on a better note, I've made the outline of the rest of the book I think I've put it to thirty-two or thirty-three chapters. And there is some Drama coming up!

Anyway this took forever sowwy.... Hope you liked.




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