CHAPTER 13~ Happy birthday!

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It was December 28 of 2018 and the last thing that the blond haired 16 year old father wanted to do was get out of bed. He knew in order to skip school tomorrow, it being a special occasion and all, he'd have to go today. Apparently this school didn't have Christmas break past the Day after. The other five boys had been away with family so this was the first day he'd be seeing them in about a week.

He stumbled from his bed, sleep still calling to his muddled brain, and he trudged to the bathroom. Andy wasn't really one for irresponsibility or staying up past a certain time for that matter but he spent all night making last minute plans for tomorrow's event.

Apparently, his mum invited his cousins and other family members he's never met, and she conveniently forgot to tell him.

Andy was falling asleep trying to put his clothes together, buttoning his jeans, tying his shoes. Might as well call it sleep walking. He drug himself down the hall to the kitchen and leaned against the counter.

"Andrew dear, you look absolutely tragic" his mum said sympathetically. He nodded and mumbled something incoherently, before going back into the state of half aware and awake.

Luna crawled around to him and tugged his pants leg, babbling and making grabby hands. He bent over slowly and picked her up, setting her on the counter.

The baby pitched forward at the same time he did and his mum yelled in fright. Andy's eyes snapped open and he threw his arms out, catching his daughter as the woman caught her son, stumbling slightly, she steadied them.

"Oh... My God" Andy breathed. "What the hell am I doing, mum! I just almost killed my daughter!"

"Honey, I don't think you should drive today" she said softly, taking the frazzled baby from his hands. His eyes followed the small chubby face and he nodded, his vision blurring with tears.

" I can't take you to school if I take Luna to the center, do you have a friend who could pick you up?" His mum asked, wiping away his fallen tears.

Andy's mind immeadiately went to Rye but he remembered he didn't have Rye's number, or anyone's except Harvey's... Who couldn't drive. But Mikey could... And Mikey takes Harvey to school everyday,

"Um... Yeah" he mumbled. He patted his pockets for his phone before he realised it was still in his room.

"Alright then, bye honey. Please be safe, if you need to come home, tell Headmaster Champ" she said kissing his head.

"Mm, I love you mum" he mumbled, "and you too as well my sweet little darling" he said kissing his daughters nose. She laughed joyously and he kissed his mum's cheeks.

"I love you too Andrew, be safe" she said leaving the house. Andy sighed and shuffled back to his room, feeling a bit more awake after the incident, he didn't even want to think about how badly she could've been hurt.

He grabbed his phone and texted Harvey

Andy: good morning Harvey, I was wondering if u and Mikey could pick me up for school today?

Harv: I have to ask Mikey, but we should be able to, what the address?

Andy: it's ********, thx, keep me updated.

Harv: kk!

Andy smiles at the text and curled up on top of his neat comforters. He waited, his mind wandering to a certain boy names Rye several times before his phone buzzed.

Harv: we r here

Andy: b out in a sec

Andy got out of bed and grabbed his satchel before leaving his house, locking it behind him. He walked slowly to the car, still very tired.

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