CHAPTER 23 ~ visits from the past

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Ugh... I read a book and it literally had no commas. Like, when writing, commas are your best friend. Use em, they exist for a reason. Andyway, proceed👉👇

Andy was sure that Rye was freaking out more than he was, even if only slightly. For what Andy was sure was the first time,  he saw Rye cry, and he was sure that it was something he never wanted to see again. The wrenching in his heart told him so.

It had only been about and hour and thirty minutes since he and Rye found out that Gabe took Luna. 30 minutes of that time was Andy trying to stay strong for Rye and Luna and everyone else while Rye cried into his shoulder.

The last hour Rye and Andy had called up the other boys and explained what had happened. Now, Andy was stressing out majorly and trying to convince Rye not to call the police.

"He stole your daughter, he needs to be taken into custody" Rye Demanded, his hands running through his hair,

"Rye, please. I get where you are coming from, but I'm sure that there is more behind the story. I see no motivation he could have to steal her with the information I have, which isn't much. Besides, Luna is barely one. I'm sure this is traumatic enough without big burly men in suits carrying her around" Andy pleaded, his hand on Rye's bicep. Rye eyed him for a moment, his eyebrows furrowed into an expression of worry and hesitancy.

"I really think we should call the authorities, He shot your mum and he didn't get in trouble but now he's stolen your daughter" Rye sighed, exhaustion covering his features. Andy felt bad, He hadn't wanted to drag all of them into this whole Gabriel mess, that's why he stopped talking to them in the first place, but that didn't turn out too well.

"Technically, she's Gabriel's" The words fell from Andy's lips before he processed what he was saying. By law, Luna was his and he loved her to death, But that didn't
change that it was Gabe who helped create her, not him. Andy couldn't believe these thoughts were running through his head, and apparently, neither could Rye.

"Are you defending him?" Rye asked in quiet anger, and quite honestly, Andy was slightly frightened. He knew Rye would never hurt him intentionally but, he was still afraid of Rye's demeanour and emotions at the moment, even he himself was a little riled up.

"Rye, no. What Gabe did was wrong and I can admit that, but in the note, he said that he was willing to talk, I wanna know what he has to say first, please" Andy pleaded. The blonde's small pale hand slipped down Rye's arm and he clasped the big warm hand in his own.

Rye gave the small hand a squeeze and caved, "Fine, I won't call them. But I need some time alone... I can't- I just need to be alone" the pain that appeared in Andy's eyes was evident to Rye and he hated it. Andy nodded and dropped Rye's hand, stepping away from him.

Rye sighed and tried to give Andy a comforting smile before walking away and leaving the 16-year-old all alone.

Andy sighed and his whole body seemed to deflate, just a month ago he was doing just fine. He had been having a grand time with the boys, Luna was doing very well and his mum was still up and about. Now, in just a few short weeks, he was a wreck.
And he didn't even want to think about the fact that his birthday was in four days.

How was Andy supposed to get a hold of Gabriel, the only thing he wanted at that moment more than to have his mother awake was his daughter. It was Luna who kept him grounded. The experiences he had with her were the best one's He wouldn't lose her, not now, not ever.

On a side note, The whole Gabe thing was unlucky, but he knew that he had to have a valid reason for just showing up out of the blue. Andy was a good judge of
character and he knew that deep down Gabe wasn't dark and Evil like he was acting. He wondered what could have been wrong.

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