CHAPTER 18~ sheets of Music

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Alrighty... I'm back.


"Hey, Mike!" Jack sprinted down the hall to catch up with him. Mikey stopped in his tracks and turned around. It was free period, and Jack had suddenly come up with a brilliant plan.

"What's up?" Mikey said as they started walking again.

"So, you know how Brook and Harvey have been so bummed because Andy isn't hanging out with us?"

"Well, yeah" Mikey shrugged, he opened the doors to the library and Jack's next words were whispered,

"I was thinking that we could take their mind off of Andy for a while and we could go on a double date. You of course don't have to but, I thought it would be good for you as well" the irish boy shrugged his shoulders as they sat down at one of the far tables.

"No, no it sounds good. I'll talk to Harv about it and i'll get back to you. Did you have anything in mind?"

"Nando's then a movie... I know they've been wanting to go to the cinema" Jack said,

"Sounds like a plan, i'll catch you later, I've got some studying to do" Mikey said as he opened his chemistry book.

"Alright, I'll leave you to it" Jack stood and left the library to find Rye. It would be a long afternoon, and all of the boys were getting more curious about what was happening with Andy. Jack assumed that Rye would know, given the sort of relationship between the two.

"Rye?" Jack knocked on the door of the music room and he entered. Rye wasn't doing anything musical in particular, he was on his sitting knees reading over sheets of music.

"What's that?" he asked as Rye looked up to him.

"Music, I found it in this guitar case. It's lyrics and chords. Come look, these are really good" Jack walked over to Rye and kneeled down. Rye handed him a sheet and he looked it over, reading lyrics.

"These are really good" he said after reading over a few pages. 

"I know, I wish I knew who was writing them, and if they can sing as well as they can write maybe we can ask them to be in our band" Rye said standing up."sounds like a plan" Jack said with a smile. they sat on the couch that was against the wall,

"were you looking for me?" he asked after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, I was actually wondering if you knew what was happening with Andy, he's been weird lately. after what he said at the end of class about us not being friends... it didn't go so well with Brook"

"I'm working it out. I confronted him yesterday and he yelled at me. There is something going on, I'm just not quite sure what yet. There are lot of thing that only Mikey and I know about, but we don't want to tell you guys because we have no idea how severe it could get or if he even wants anyone else to know. I took a risk telling Mikey and I don't want to lose Andy's trust. I feel like I let him down by telling Mikey even though he didn't specifically tell me to keep my mouth shut" Rye said in a fast pace. Jack smiled at Rye despite the situation. He could tell that Rye really cared for Andy.

"Maybe... I could try talking to him?" Jack offered.

" I don't think that's a good idea. The other day I was talking to Mikey and he said we should give Andy some space. After time, and the mistake I made by confronting him, I realise he's right. As of now Andy is spiraling but he's not too deep I don't think, meaning he is still kind of in the mindset to ask for help if he needs it."

"You sure, it wouldn't be any harm or inconvenience to me-"

"'s fine, just leave it" Rye interrupted. Jack nodded and stood.

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