CHAPTER 6~ she's like you

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The next morning Andy walked into school completely exhausted. He hadn't slept more than 30 minutes that night cause Luna just wasn't having it. Every time he dosed off, she'd start screaming at the top of her lungs again.

"Yo Fowler!" Andy heard the same voice from the parking lot yesterday and tiredly turned to see Alex smirking at him.

"Hello, Alex" Andy said politely.

"Hello Alex" he mocked "what are you, my mum?" Alex started laughing and Andy's tired expression grew into one of confusion. Had that sentence even made sense?

"Oh I'm sorry, was that sentence to complicated for you to understand? How did you even afford to get into this school, you dress horribly! The 1800's called, they want their outfit back!" Alex cackled loudly and the group that was now surrounding them laughed as well. Andy was too exhausted try and keep himself together so he just pushed past the group of people and ran to the bathroom. As if the day could get any worse, Luna's daycare called.

Andy loved his daughter to the moon and back , but sometimes she was just too much. In that moment he did something he promised himself he would never do, he sent the call to voicemail. He knew that they would call his mum next. Andy locked himself in the bathroom stall and sighed against the wall. Why did highschool have to be so hard.

"Andy?" The call was so soft that Andy was sure that he had imagined it.

"Are you okay Andy?" There it was again. Andy unlocked the stall and peeked out. He saw the curly headed sweet blond boy called Brooklyn and he smiled at him trough tired eyes.

"Hey Brook, I'm okay. Just a long day"

"But the day has only just started, silly" Brooklyn said smiling a little. Andy had a feeling that Brook was one of those people who had a younger mindset. Luna's birth mom had been the same, that was part of the reason the had got along so well.

"Well, at can you do" Andy shrugged. "Hey brook, you know when it's just us, I mean the boys and I, or even just me, you don't have to act like that"

Brook cocked his head to the side, "act like what?"

"Like you ate just like very one else"

"I don-" brook shook his head and any interrupted him.

"Sit" he said pointing to the sink. Andy went and locked the door as Brook do what he was told. So when Andy was exhausted, like now, he got really deep and spiritual.

"Back in my other town, a few years ago, I met this girl" he started, leaning against the marble countertop.

"As soon as we met, I knew she was different, she was more carefree, she didn't care about the latest fashion trend or whatever, she cared about others. She was so attuned to her emotions as well as the ones of those around her. If she knew something was wrong with someone, she had to at least ask if they were okay or she felt really bad"

Andy looked up into Brook's eyes, it was weird but somehow, despite just meeting him, he felt more connected with him.

"She had a younger mindset than those who were her age. I hated it when she hid who she was. I don't want you to hide who you are, not around me, okay?"

"Ya'know I really hope you stay" brook finally spoke, his eyes shining. Andy just laughed,

"Don't worry little brook, I don't plan on going anywhere" he ruffled brooks had As he jumped off the counter.

"Can I tell you secret?" Brook asked.

"Sure, what is it?" Andy said smiling lightly.

"Harvey is like me"

"Is he now?"

"Uh-huh. Mikey and jack don't like it when we act normal, jack said 'I don't like that my boyfriend has to hide who he is' and I said 'jack, I don't have to hide who I am, I don't want to be bullied'"

"And where is this boyfriend of yours?" Andy asked smirking.

"He's ju- oh no! P!ease don't tell him I told! Please" brook started begging once he realised his error.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head Brook, your secret is safe with me" Andy smiled at the look of relief that appeared on Brooklyn's face.

"Can we get to class now, I really don't like being late" brook asked shyly.

"Sure little brook, let's go"


Short chapter and it took me forever but yay! A brandy bonding moment*squeals*
See ya on the flip side!😘🌵

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