CHAPTER 20 ~ Don't leave

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It had been a few days since Rye volunteered to do the blood transfusion, he was released the day after, but he never left the hospital. He wanted to be there for Andy. The faux blond had told him several times to go home, but he had nothing to go home to. Robbie took an extended break and told him to take as much time as he needed, so he was.

It was currently 5 am, Rye was sitting in the nursery, watching over Luna. Andy was curled up in his lap, sleeping soundly. Looking at him now, he looked so much younger than 16, and too young to be a father. Rye could tell that he was doing an outstanding job of raising Luna almost independently. When Andy was with Luna, Rye could definitely see the mother in him that Brook sometimes spoke about.

The doctors had yet to say anything on Leslye's condition and Andy had refused to leave until he heard something. Rye knew that Andy felt like he owed him something for the transfusion, but rye didn't expect anything. He was just happy he could save Andy from more of they type of greif he had to have gone through with Milli's death.

To anyone who didn't know the blond father, he would seem like a simple boy with an oh-so-simple life. That's why Rye thought it was important to get to get to know someone. You never know what someone's hiding underneath.

Somehow, knowing that Andy was able to take care of a child on nearly his own, that was something more for Rye to admire. If it was even possible, seeing the blond asleep on his lap and knowing that he had such a close connection with they baby in the crib in front of him. It made Rye fall even deeper in love with the boy than he already was.

Andy shifted in Rye's lap, sleeping running from his mind. Rye sat there, hoping Andy would stay asleep a little longer. It was only just turned in 6, and Rye had yet to get an ounce of sleep. He wondered if he could sleep away love g enough to get a shower, it had been a couple of days since his last one, but he didn't want to leave Luna and Andy alone, not when Gabe was still out there.

Rye wasn't sure if the police had stopped by to get a statement from Andy, but he knew all gunshot wounds that came into the hospital had to be reported. Rye could only guess that Andy wouldn't want legal authorities involved.

Rye sat for another 15 minutes until Mikey walked in.

"Hey" he said softly, pulling up a chair.


"You get any sleep?"

"Uh... Not yet. I don't want to leave them alone or y'know, fall sleep. I'm so afraid that if I do when I wake up she'll be gone or something," Rye voiced.

"Rye, I understand where you are coming from but, honestly, she's a baby that you've only just met. You've held her a couple tim-"

"I know Mike, but I feel like I have to protect her. Like if I don't and something happens to her, that it'll be on me" rye admitted, dragging his hand subconcously up and down Andy's arm.

"Look, I brought you some clothes, why don't you go shower. I promise I'll be here to watch them"

"No, it's okay. I'd rather wa-"

"Rye, don't push it. Go shower, you're lucky I'm not making you go home" Mikey said, handing the bag of clothes to him. Rye sighed and gathered Andy in his arms and stood.

He placed Andy back into the chair amd kissed his head. Andy's tiny hand gripped Rye's wrist as he went to walk away.

"Don't leave" he croaked, sitting up a little. Andy's eyes blinkee open blearily and he looked at Rye, his blue irises pleading him to stay.

"I'm just going to shower Fovvs, I'll be back in a few minutes" Rye said softly, crouching down to Andy's eye level.

"Fovvs?" Andy asked rubbing his eyes in an adorable manner.

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