CHAPTER 17~ confronting

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A week ago Rye had come to a very serious conclusion. A conclusion that he had yet
to tell anyone, not even Mikey. But he now knew for sure that he was gay, and that
Andy was for certain… the right boy. Ever since that night Rye has been keeping an
eye on Andy. he hasn’t tried to speak to him because he decide to do what Mikey
said would be best and give him space. But as the seconds, minutes, hours, and days
ticked on, It became harder and harder to ignore the nagging voice in his head
telling him to forget about what Mikey said and go talk to him.

Right now they were all at lunch andy Rye was trying to keep his eyes from straying
to the beautiful blond he wasn’t caught up in such a beautiful sight. He had his lips attached to her neck and she was giggling. The sight made Rye’s heart ache with longing. Then he realised he was looking, he quickly shook his head and turned his
gaze to his longtime friends sitting around him, chatting and laughing. No matter
how much he missed Andy, he didn’t want to spend the whole time staring him
down with a longing look. So he engaged himself in the conversation they were

“Well, Mikey would obviously be singing the lowest. Brook would be right there next
to him, in the middle kind of… jack would be singing there too, probably saved for
rap parts or fast parts since he speaks pretty fast sometimes and Rye would be right at the top, singing the high notes. For a standing purpose for all of you. You all have pretty wide vocal ranges so it’s a given that you might be able to sing one another’s parts. It’s important to have balance when you go in. we wouldn’t want to hear Mikey’s voice top prominently or Jack’s accent too heavily during parts you sing together” Harvey was explaining.

“What… are we talking about?” Rye asked cautiously.

“Mikey brought up music” Harvey said.

“Unprovoked?” Rye asked in surprise. Mikey slapped his shoulder,

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing, it’s just you are alway talking about needing a back up in case we fail, like music isn’t your one true love” Rye snorted.

“Well it isn’t. He is” Mikey pointed to Harvey who was sitting across from him in a
pure white hoodie and faded grey jeans. Harvey blushed and smiled at his boyfriend,

“I love you too” he said,

“Aw, you guys are cute!” brook gushed. Then he turned to look at Rye,

“Have you told Andy that you like him yet?” Rye suddenly felt uncomfortable, he
cleared his throat and shifted in his seat, pulling on the neck of his shirt.

“Uh no… I uh haven’t” he said looked around nervously.

“Why not?”

“It’s not the right time. Andy isn’t uh… he’s not in the best mood as of late”

“Oh...I’m almost positive it will work out!” Brook said happily, taking a bite of his
apple. Jack leaned over and kissed his boyfriend’s cheek. And this time Harvey gushed,

“You are so adorable!” the four of them began chatting about relationships, leaving Rye to his thoughts again. To no surprise he was thinking about Andy. but his mind was back to where it had all began. Why was Gabriel Simmons after Andy? How did they even know each other? That was a new one. Rye got the feeling that Mikey knew a lot more than he let on. Rye was no Einstein, but he knew when his best friend was hiding something from him. And it hadn’t slipped his notice how much closer Andy was to Mikey than to any one else in the group. And it certainly wasn’t a gradual thing. Rye was confused though, it’s like he was an outsider trying to understand an inside joke. It’s nearly impossible.

His gaze traveled back over to where Andy and Claire were sitting and his eyes met
stormy dull blue ones. Rye shivered, something about the look in those eyes told Rye that something was up. Just like that, the attention was gone. Andy was back to
paying attention to Claire, but somehow for the first time, Rye noticed how dark and
tired his eyes got when he looked at Claire. The sagginess of his smile, the mask he hid behind. Rye blinked, and it was gone. Back was the bright smile and sparkling eyes.

Rye refused to believe that Andy was happy with Claire. Forget, being happy for the
one you love. He knew that some girl wouldn’t make Andy happy. It had to be him...right? And then it all fell back the conclusion. Did it make Rye a bad person
to fantasize about Andy breaking up with Claire and proclaiming his undying love to him? He didn’t think so. In every fantasy, Rye would look over at a crying Claire and
she’d be a monster, one Rye used to fear.

When Rye was younger and his parent were still around at times, the monster under
his bed was called the love stealer. Every time his mum would kiss his forehead, the
love stealer could steal it before it settled and brought happiness to Rye. As a child it
was hard for Rye to understand love and affection. As he got older, Robbie started paying more attention to him.

The Love stealer came less and less, and it was Rye who was telling him goodnight and tucking him in. When their parents left, Rye didn’t really feel anything. He imagined the Love stealer riding away with them, never to return. He still had Robbie and his best friends. Then Robbie left, and Rye didn’t know what to feel. He felt empty and sad, but happy and full all at once.

Now, if you talked to anyone who really knew Rye, like what was deep below the
surface. They’d tell you that he was a Love addict. He loved love. He loved his love for music, his love for his family, his love for love. And now he loved one, Andrew Fowler, but he wasn’t sure how much he loved that love. It seemed to hurt a lot, almost like it had when Robbie left for college.
“Andy?” Rye asked cautiously. The blond turned to face him and rolled his eyes.

“Following me again? I’m not kissing you again if that’s what you want. I have a
girlfriend” Andy said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“I know, and i’m glad you’ve f-found someone. I just want to talk…”Rye sighed with a small laugh, “it seems every time you ignore me we end up here”

Andy looked around the restroom with a small nod. He stepped back when Rye
stepped closer to him.

“Andy, what’s happening? you have to say something. I don’t get while you’ve
stopped talking to us. I’ve went over the coffee shop thing in my head over a million times, but I still don’t get it. Please tell me what’s wrong” Rye pleaded.

“What makes you think there is something wrong?”

“Andy, don’t play dumb” Rye said, stepping closer.

“I’m not. There isn’t a problem. I’m perfectly fine. I have a girlfriend, I’m passing all my classes-”

“What about the rest of us?” Rye interrupted. Andy pursed his lips, his eyesbrows knitting together.

“It’s better this way. I can focus on myself more, I don’t have all of you alls puerile,
insignificant problems weighing me down” he shrugged, but he didn’t look into the brown eyes in front of him.

“Andy, what is this. I know you, wh-”

“You don’t” Andy interrupted. Rye stepped closer, trying to make the blond boy

“I do… I kn-”

“You don’t! You don’t know me and you never will Ryan. give me a break and just fuck off!” he yelled, before ducking away from Ryan and sprinting from the bathroom.


He he... Don't kill me.


✌ & ❤ 👀 U on the flip side!

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