CHAPTER 12~ story time

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Blonde hair, blue eyes, beautiful smile,
-3x+4=-9… wait what?

“Ryan!” fingers clicked in his face and he shook his head, blinking rapidly. He looked around the room and saw he was in Maths. He groaned quietly and banged his head on the desk.

“Alright mate?” Mikey whispered to him.

“Yeah, Just tired” yup, cause the fact of the matter was, he hadn’t slept a wink. The bathroom kiss was rolling around in his mind over and over again. Then for some odd reason Andy didn’t show up to history or Chemistry. Harvey said he spotted his during break but couldn’t remember where, now five of the six boys where in block five, but the small blond was still nowhere to be found.

“Do you think he’s here today?” Rye suddenly asked.

“Yeah, harvey saw him. Don’t stress, you said you guys made up right?” Mikey asked, jotting down some notes.

“Yeah, we did” Rye said, looking down at his blank notebook, a blush spreading over his cheeks.

“Alright then, he’s probably a little busy with something else, none of the teachers asked where he is so he must be excused”

“Yeah, you’re probably right” Rye sighed and tried to pay attention to the teacher. Minutes later the bell rung and all five of them gathered their possessions and started chatting, making their way to the lunch room.

“We need to hang out tonight, it’s been so long since we’ve been to Ginger’s coffee shop, I’m sure she misses us” Rye heard Brook say.

“We just hung out the night before last” Mikey said as they dat at their table.

“Your point being? When do we ever not hang out” Brook said, he was acting more mature today than usual, they were in a more open area and you never know who’s listening. It was a bonus that he wasn't in headspace.

“Exactly, meaning it wouldn’t kill us not to hang out for once, I need to study. Finals are coming up soon and the fate of our treehouse rests on my shoulders” Mikey said.

“Well, it’s already been once, last night. So maybe it’ll kill us if we don’t hang out tonight” Brook stated, smiling to himself at how adultish he sounded.

“Wow, that was a really stupid point, but it kind of made sense. I hate you” Mikey said.

“Maybe we could ask if Andy wants to hang out with us” Harvey suggested.

“Sure, where we going?” Andy said as he plopped down next to Rye. Rye startled and looked at him.

“Well, hello to you to” Rye said, Andy gave him a heart stopping smile and put a piece of lettuce in his mouth.

“Ginger’s, you ever been?” Jack asked.

“Nope” Andy said, popping the ‘p’ “sounds fun, what time should I meet you guys there?”

“Oh um, I can drive you if you want” Rye suggested nervously. Andy’s blue eyes turned to him and Rye could swear, just looking into those beautiful pools he almost drowned.

“Thanks for the offer, but I have some stuff to take care of beforehand” Andy said smiling again.

Rye nodded and wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans. This was so annoying, why couldn’t he just be normal?!

“In that case, 5:30. Anyway, where’ve you been all day?” Mikey asked.

“Was practicing” Andy shrugged. The movement of his shoulders made something move across his chest. Rye looked down and saw a necklace with a silver metal guitar pick that had something engraved on it. He leaned closer to the blond, catching a whiff of baby soap. He read the quote aloud,

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