CHAPTER 7~ hang out

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A/n: guys so fell asleep sorry again thnx for the support guys. Mad love. Night
Edit: guys you won't believe how long it took me to write that sentence above. bout five minutes. It's morning no though. Enjoy

"Rye...? RYE! are you even listening mate?" Mikey waved a hand in front of Rye's face. Rye blinked owlishly before shaking his head.

"Sorry, what?"

"I said Andy is going to be here in 20, what else needs to be done?"

Rye sighed, all day they had been cleaning. Yesterday Harvey had texted Andy, asking if he wanted to come over. Andy had said that he would if he was free.

They all decided that they'd hang out at Rye's, the biggest and messiest 'house'. Rye however wasn't aware of this, so he was a little pissed.

Andy had moved there about a month ago, Everytime they asked him to hang out he'd say he was busy.

"Nothing, chill out Mike" Rye huffed. He got up from the couch and went to his fridge, grabbing a bottle water.

While he was taking a sip the doorbell rang. He spluttered,

"I thought you said 20?!" Mikey just shrugged and mouthed something Rye didn't catch. As Mikey disappeared to get the door, Rye yelled up the second stairwell.

"Jacklyn, Marvey! Andy's here!" Rye heard the clambering of feet and Brook and Harvey conjoined cheers of

"yay! Andy!" Rye chuckled. Harvey and Brooklyn had quickly grown attached to the faux blond. Rye couldn't blame them, he had that mother like air around him and he was adorably cute and sm- wait. When did Rye start thinking of Andy like that?

Rye shook those thoughts clear from his mind and followed his other friends to the lounging area.

"Woah, cool house Rye" Rye's heart picked up a little speed but he mentally kicked himself and replied.

"Thanks. It's my parents' " Rye again mentally slapped himself, why was he all of a sudden acting so stupid.

"Want something to drink, water, milk juice, beer?"

"Um, water's fine. I'm not old enough to drink" Andy chuckled and Rye was about ready to bury himself alive.

"Yeah, I'm not either and I don't have any so... i'm gonna go get that water" Andy nodded and Rye made eye contact with Mikey,

Whats your deal?

Rye just shrugged, his eyes flitting back to Andy for a second. Rye left for the kitchen while hearing Brook's excited squeal.

"Andy, you are finally here!!!"

"Yup I am bud, how was your day?" he asked.

"It was great! Jack took me out for Ice cream earlier and we got me a new teddy bear and and-"

Rye laughed, he could practically imagine Brook's hyperactive smile and him bouncing up and down like an excited three year old. Rye was glad Brook had someone else to talk to that knew how to treat him besides the four of them.

He grabbed the bottle of water and made his way back to the lounge where he found Brook sprawled out on top of Andy.

"Here you go" Rye said handing him the water.


"Harv, how was your day?" Andy asked. Everytime they talked Andy would ask this question, to any of them. Rye would answer it the same every time,

"eh, could be better" and Andy would
have the same answer,

"why don't you make it?" To that Rye didn't have an answer. Mainly because he wasn't completely sure how to make it better.

"Mikey made us clean all day!" Harvey whined, Andy chuckled and gave Mikey a playful glare.

"But you're okay, right bud? Because if not, maybe I should go home and wait till you feel better"

Harvey's face immediately changed to one of horror.

"No! I'm okay, I promise?" Harvey squealed.


"Better now" Rye said stupidly. He could've sworn he saw the pink in the blonds cheeks


"Why were you acting so weird earlier?" Mikey asked Rye. Rye shrugged and kissed Brooklyn on the head before moving to Harvey. They were all sleeping over at Rye's, except Andy who had to be home.

"I wish Andy would've stayed" Brook said through a yawn.

"I know, settle down. Jack will be up in a second okay?" Rye asked Brook, rubbing his hair
"kay" Brook snuggled into his new teddy.

Rye and Mikey left the big guest room and walked down the hall to Rye's own room.

"So?" Mikey asked, plopping down on Rye's bed.

"So what?"

"So, why were you acting so weird and stupid" Mikey elaborated.

"I don't know/ I was just so uncomfortable- not in a bad way. Just sort of nervous and I just wanted the feeling to go away. It was weird, my hands were sweaty and stuff. I don't know"

Mikey smiled slightly.

"It's been like what... a month? You sure do fall fast" Mikey stated, still smirking.

"What?" Rye was confused. He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at Mikey's know it all face.

"You Like Andy" Mikey laughed.

"What? No!"

"You so do, look. You're blushing" Rye pressed his fingertips to his cheeks and felt them growing hot.

"Whatever" he grumbled, his hands dropping. "Get out" he said. He wasn't like seriously mean, it was more of a whined demand.

Mikey walked away chuckling like an idiot, maybe he was. There was no way Rye was starting to like Andy, they barely knew each other and it had been a little over a month. Too fast, besides he didn't like the cute little blond... right?

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