Chapter 15 The 4th squad

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Unohana's POV

   I knew at the first sight of seeing Captain Kuchiki, that something was terribly wrong.

"Please take care of him!" Renji said as my division members swarmed around them, taking Kuchiki into our hands. Hinamori was looking distraught as she watched as Kuchiki was taking into emergency.

"Vice-captain Hinamori san? I would like to ask what happened to captain Kuchiki. From my reports it's a very poisonous poison. Would you explain how he got them." I ask her.

She explained to me the whole story, before I was called inside.

"Abarai san. I think it would be best if you could tell Rukia san the news also." I tell him.

"Hai, but won't she be?"

"Worried, yes. But he should be fine once we check over him." I tell him "Now hurry."

Renji's POV

I watch as Unohana raced into the room where the captain went and disappeared. I don't know how to tell Rukia this though. Especially Hisana and Akyoshi. They just got back together, and now how could I tell them that he was probably close to death, or dying. I shake them out of my head, before a hell butterfly came.

"Captain Hitsugaya has returned." it said before fluttering away.

I walk away to the 13th squad, unsure of what to say. As I walk up to the 13th squad, I meet up with Captain Hitsugaya.

"Are you going to see Rukia?" he asks "She's not there, she's with the 6th squad today to take over Kuchiki's paperwork for today. Were you going to tell her?"

I nod.

"Well that's good. Then I'm done for today." he said walking away.

I nod again, and flash step over to the 6th squad barracks.

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