Chapter 37 Save him

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Orhime's POV

   I gasp as we were suddenly greeted by a brilliant light.

"Ow ow... the light hurts." I say rubbing my eyes. My eyes adjusted, I blush.

"K-k-kurosaki-kun, you could umm let me down now." I say timidly as Ichigo still held me as Rukia and Abarai-kun came over.

Ichigo blushes, and lets me down.

"Inoue!" Rukia says running up to me.

"I heard everything, Rukia! Where is he?" I tell her. I need to get to that poor child. Rukia couldn't lose a nephew.

"He's at the squad 4 barracks, please help him!" she said as we started running there.

Byakuya's POV

   I walk into squad 4's barracks. Only to unfortunately be stopped by Unohana.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting, captain Byakuya?" she asks "I know why you're here. But you have to wait till Orihime-san comes."

I turn to Akyoshi's room, my hand on the handle.

"He's my son, if he's dying then it doesn't matter does it?" I tell her. I turn the handle and walk inside.

Rukia's POV

   We arrived at squad 4's barracks, not before bumping right into captain Unohana.

"Captain Unohana, I am so very sorry. This is Orihime Inoue, she's her-" I try to tell her.

"Go inside, he has little time left." she said softly before heading the opposite direction.

"Thank you." Renji said as Ichigo opens the door. I gasp as I see Nii-sama inside.

"N-n-nii-sama, what are you doing....." I trailed off. He was holding onto Akyoshi's hand, and muttering a kido.

"Byakuya, I could use my Santten Kesshan. You don't have to exhaust yourself." Orihime said putting her hand on his back.

He stops and looks at her, his eyes looked dead.

"Save him." he whispers. She nods and uses Santten Kesshan. Ichigo walks up to Byakuya and takes him outside. I go to Akyoshi and hold his hand, praying we weren't to late.

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