The unallowed meet

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Dust was recruited by Error, the demon of destruction and Blueberry was recruited by Ink, the angel of creation. Blue wasn't watching where he was flying and he bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to run into you. it was an accident," Blue had said. 

"It's okay." dust had said while helping him up.

Then they had realized that they were forced by their positions to be enemies. they didn't care though. They stilled helped each other. They knew that hey could be friends in secret. There was always a place that they could meet. A woods near where they both lived.

"Hey what's your name?" Dust had asked. 

"It's Blue or Blueberry. You can call me either." When he said that he gave a little giggle. "What's yours?" Blue had asked.

"It's Dust. I know we are supposed to be enemies but do you want to meet me by the woods? I know a place where only people I bring can get there. Even though I'm a demon, I still have a soft spot for animals. So, what do you say? Will you meet me there?"

"Of course I will and does his mean we are friends because I would love to be your friend Dust."

"It does. I have to go but see you later Blue." 

"Bye Dust!"

Dust had gone back to his realm and Blue went back to his. Dust thought he was starting to have feelings for Blue but then got rid of it because he had only just met him. Blue had thought the same way but never dismissed it because he truly knew he liked Dust. 

When they were able to leave their realms they met at the woods.

Dust's P.O.V.

"Hey Blue. Are you ready to go?" I asked him. He said yeah so I brought us to the secret place. It was a tree house with a picnic on the inside. I had set it up before he got here. "Come and sit. I made all this if you want to look around. I don't think anyone knows about this place. Now only you and I know. I would always come here to think or to be alone". When I was with Blue, I felt like I could be myself. I felt like I liked him. As more than a friend.

Blue's P.O.V.

Dust brought me here because he trusts me. Even with him being a demon, I still love him. I like him as more than friends, but I don't know how to say it. "Dust? Do you like me? Like, like like me?"           

hat is the end of the first part and I'm sorry if school gets in the way. I will try to post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.


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