Wedding Plans

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Blue's P.O.V.

Dust was bandaged and healed as best he could be but he was passed out. He lost a lot of blood and I didn't think he was going to make it but he soon started to open his eyes. (?)

"Dust! You're okay!"

I tackle-hugged him.

"Y-Yeah. How did I get here?"

"Nightmare carried you while Dream got me out of my brother's house."

"I have ever a feeling that your brother doesn't like me."

"He is no longer invited to the wedding, even though I'm probably going to send him an invitation because he's my brother."

"You do what you want Blue. I'm not going to stop you."

"You really are the best person I could ever ask for."

"Nah. The best would be you marrying yourself. You are the best person anyone could ask for."

"Oh! We still have to plan the wedding!"

"Okay. We can do it now while I can't run from the work."

I rolled my eyes. (?) 

"You really are the weirdest monster I've ever met. And I've met Classic's Papyrus."

"But you love this weirdo."

"True. Now, the theme of the wedding."

"Colors should be blue and purple."

"Why blue and pur- ooooohhhhhh. Got it."

"It should be in the sky."


"I'm thinking of you every time I think of the details."

"Suits or you in a suit and me in a dress?"

"You're the one this impacts. You choose."

"Then I'm not telling you until you see me the wedding day."

"Okay. You're going to wear a dress, aren't you?"


"I'm fine with either. You'll look amazing either way."

"Aww. Now, flowers. There are Echo flowers, roses, or a bouquet of random flowers."

"Echo flowers. They would fit the theme."

"Okay. Now, what color suits/ suit and dress should they be?"

"I feel like they should be a mixed color of blue and purple. So an indigo color."

(I don't know how to plan a wedding so... ~TIME SKIP!~)

Third person P.O.V.

Blue and Dust's wedding was planned now all they had to do was send invitations but Blue was going to ask Ink if he could help with that part. 

Blue soon left the room so Dust could rest and heal even more and so he could find Ink about the wedding detail that involved him.

Ink was  outside the castle walking around the, once full and vibrant, forest wondering how he could restore the color so it wasn't so bleak. He got called out of his thoughts by someone calling his name. 

"Ink! Where are you?!"

"I'm in the "forest"! Hold on!"

Ink ran back to the castle to see Blue out in the front looking around.

"Hey Blue. Are you the one calling my name?"

"Yeah. I need your help with my wedding."


I'm sorry it's short and I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I didn't know what to do. Plus I don't know how to plan weddings. I'm probably going to skip to the wedding and tell you all the details from there. hope you like this story so far. 


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