Tackle hug!

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Dream's P.O.V.

I walked over to Sci as I asked Fell a few questions.

"How long has he been out?"

"Around ten minutes."

"Have you tried pouring water on him?"


"Has he ever done this before?"

"I don't think so."


I felt for a pulse. (MAGIC IS LOGIC IN THIS!) That's when I noticed Sci's wings. We've never seen them because he always has his lab coat covering them but now I can see them. They have feathers like an angel's but leather like a demon's. I have never seen anything like this.

"Have his wings always been like this?"

"For as long as I can remember, yes."

"Hey Nightmare, come here a second."


"Just come here."


He walked over and stopped dead in his tracks when I knew he saw Sci's wings.


"I don't know, but they really are something to put in the record books."

"Are they abnormal?"

"If you mean us never seeing them on anyone ever, then yes. They are abnormal."

"We could try pouring water on him to wake him up, though and ask him why his wings look like that."

"Good idea."

"I'll go get the water."

Fell ran off and came back a minute later with a bucket full of water.

"Where did you get a bucket?"

"Magic. Anyways. Here's the water."

"Thanks. Nightmare, do you still get that burning sensating when touched by water?"


"Step back."

Nightmare stepped back and I dumped the water on Sci. Sci immediately shot up and looked around.

"You okay Sci?"

"Yeah, I think so. Just a little cold because of the water."

Fell took off his jacket and draped it over Sci.

"Thanks, Fell."

"No problem."

"Anyways, Sci, we happen to notice your wings were a bit different while you were out."

"O-Oh, yeah."

"Do you know why your wings are that way?"

"No. They've been that way for as long as I can remember."

"Okay. Well, for one, they are amazing. One of a kind."


"They are spectacular. Feathers and leather working together."

"T-thanks. Now can we please stop talking about my wings?"

"Sure. Anyway, does you fainting normally happen?"

"No, just when I fell really negative. The barrier keeps Nightmare from feeling it. The only reason you felt it this time was because it wasn't up because Fell was in here."

"Okay, makes sense, but why were you feeling so negative?"

"I'd rather not say."

"Okay. Well, we have to leave. Everyone is probably worried."

"Okay. Bye Dream. Bye Nightmare."

Nightmare opened a portal and we both walked through and back to the mansion.

Fell's P.O.V.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. I'm sure. Thank you for worrying though. It's really sweet."

"Did you hear what I said before you passed out?"

"No. It was all hazy and sounded like gibberish."

"I said 'I love you'."

His face immediately spread with blush.

"W-Why do you love ME out of all people?"

"Because, you were willing to help me even if it meant hurting yourself. Plus, never do that again. You worried the h*ll out of me."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know it would bother you so much."

"Well, with that out of the way, would you like to be my partner?"

His face got darker with blush.

"Should I take that as a yes?"

He nodded and I tackled him in a hug.

Hey everybody. I'm so sorry this took so long to make. I had about half of it written and Wattpad had went along and deleted all of it so I had to try and remember what I had down. Well, I'm sorry if it isn't what you would expect but I still have writer's block as well as artist block. Anyways...


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