Mother's Day special!

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"Mommy! Mommy! Look what we made for you!"

Sprinkles and Fury ran into mine and Dust's room. Sprinkles giggling and yelling with Fury trying to keep up.

"Aww. What did my little munchkins make for me?"

"We each made you a card and Daddy helped us make you a cake!"

Sprinkles was carrying a cake and Fury was carrying two cards. I held my arms out for them and gave them hug.

"We love you, Mommy!"

"I love you too, sweethearts."

"Can I get in on the hug?"

"Daddy! Come on! Come on!"

Dust walked over and picked ALL of us up and hugged us, I could barely breathe. I smiled at my family.

"You guys are the best family anyone could ever ask for."

Killer's P.O.V.

I woke up to the patters of a bunch of little footsteps and a slightly louder set. In ran Dark Moon, Cresent, and last Nightmare walked in.

"Morning love."


"Guess what day it is."



Cresent yelled. Killer, Nightmare, and Dark Moon started to laugh.

"Well then, can I have a hug from my family since I'm counted as the mom?"

Cresent and Dark moon ran to him and gave him a hug while Nightmare walked over and gave them all a hug. 

"We made cards for you."

"Thank you. You are really the best family ever."

Dream's P.O.V.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

I woke up to Faith on my ribs, looking down at me. Cross sitting next to us.

"Mommy, it's Mother's Day!"

"Then aren't you supposed to let me sleep as long as I want?"

"Nope because we made you breakfast, my Ball of Sunshine."

"Let me sleep Cross!"


Cross then got off the bed and picked me up, with Faith still on me, and started to walk to the kitchen. When we got there, I saw they made toast, eggs, and pancakes.

"How did I get so lucky to have a family like you guys.

I don't want to do Ink and Error but it's basically the same thing as the rest. Sorry, it's past Mother's Day.

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