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Underlined = ????

Italics = Sci

????'s P.O.V.

"Sci, I need your help."

"With what?"

"Breaking two people's love apart. Dust stole my lover."

"Okay. What do you want me to do?"

"Create something that will break them up."

Sci's P.O.V.

Why, why don't you see that I love you? You're oblivious! I don't know why I put up with you! You show your feeling for someone else right in front of me when I've tried to express my feelings to you more than once. Just acknowledge it for once. Please.

I started crying green tinted tears but tried to hide them. He never cares but this time he saw. He walked up to me and asked what was wrong.

"N-Nothing. Not like you would care anyway."

"Hey, don't say that. I have always cared, it's just hard to show."

"Guess your right. You could have said something the last times though."

"I should've. Why are you crying anyway?"

"You wouldn't get it. It's not important. I'm going to go work on how to get them apart."

I then teleported out of the room and to the next one which was locked from the inside and no one but me could get in. No one would love a useless creature like me. My wings are leather and feather with a bone structure showing. They're ugly and useless. Even though I can use them to fly, I hate them. 

I started crying even more than I already was. No one likes me. 

"Hey, are you okay in there?"

"PEACHY! Just fine!"

"No, you're not. Let me in."

"No. I'm not letting you in."

"Sci, let me in! You're NOT okay!"

"No! You're going to make me feel worse."

"Oh yeah? How?"

"You wouldn't get it. Even if I told you."

"Just tell me! I'll try to understand."

I had to think about this. Maybe if I told him, he would just reject me and we could stay friends. But, maybe if I tell him, he'll laugh and won't want to be friends.

No! Stop thinking like that. He'll definitely stay your friend. But, there's always that little voice in your head telling you otherwise. That voice, that voice was strong right now. It was saying horrible things. Thinks I never what to hear ever but, I have no control over the voice.

"You know HE will never love you. You'll just mess it up."

"N-No. No I won't! You're lying!"

"Sci! Sci snap out of it!"

"He's just using you. He even said it himself, he loves another."

"I don't care if he loves another! I love him!"


I'm sorry it's so short. I've been really tired lately and I had two tests yesterday that I had to study for over the weekend. School really is a jerk. Anyways, hope you liked the story and...


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