Chapter 10

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Today was the day I was dreading, Scout was going on a run today, of course Daryl was going with him, but it was still nerve wracking, along with Victor and John tagging along, and several others. Scout had turned eight over the course of the last couple weeks, there had been no sign of Outlaws anywhere. I checked Scout's pack more times then I could count, checked his belt too, making sure he had a slingshot, and knife, that his bow was up to snuff, and his arrows were sharp. I changed his shoe laces to new ones, I don't want them breaking, I patched all of his jeans, and his jackets, even added another layer of fabric to the bottom of his pack. I just didn't want anything going wrong out there.

Lastly I gave him a spyglass that I had been holding onto for years now. Since way before the beginning actually, it was my great grandfathers, it had been passed down from each generation, there are pirates in our ancestry, weird fact. How I managed to hold onto this spyglass for all this time I had no clue. Scout actually didn't know what to think about the spyglass, he looked at it in awe, the glass in the scope had been replaced a few times since I've had it, but it's in pretty good condition. Scout gave me a big hug after I had explained what it was, when he pulled away he gave me a kiss on the cheek and began looking through the spyglass after extending it fully.

"I'm like a real runner now, huh mom?" Scout said standing with his chest puffed out, fists against his hips.

"You sure are." I said nostalgically as I looked at him. "And when you come back, you're getting a haircut got it?" I ordered.

"But dad's hair is long." Scout complained.

"Dad's been alive a lot longer then you, he can make his own decisions." I mentioned.

"I'll wear it pushed back, like Alicia." Scout said compromising.

"Here." I handed him a hair-tie from my wrist.

"What's this?" He asked taking it.

"It's for your hair." I pushed Scout's wild tangled curls back into my hand, and wrapped the hair-tie around it. "Now it's out of your face, and it's called a chongo." I said to him.

"Chongo?" Scout looked at me confused. "What's that?"

"It's a spanish word for hair tie." I shrugged.

"I hear you talking to dad in a different language sometimes, when are you going to teach me?" Scout asked.

"How about when you get back." I smiled, hugging him once more. Daryl then came over, hugging the both of us tightly.

"Make sure that baby stays in while I'm gone, alright." Daryl gave me a kiss.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we got another couple weeks." I smirked.

We gave sweet hugs, and kisses and parted ways, and I stood at the front gate watching them disappear into the distance. I had nothing to do when Daryl wasn't around, and being as pregnant as I was no one let me do anything.

"Hey." Alicia approached me. "Want to go shoot some walkers from the look out?" She smirked at me.

"Oh please yes." I laughed. Luckily, even though I was out of habit, I still carried my slingshot and knife around with me.

We made our way to the look-out, Alicia shooting a walker with the slingshot I had given her, not long after we got up here. That's what we did for two hours, wait, shoot a walker, wait, shoot a walker, until Alicia finally spoke.

"You're a lot brave then me." Alicia said, shocking me.

"What, are you serious, Alicia I am not brave at all." I laughed a little.

"What I'm saying is, I could never have children, there are too many things I'm, scared of." She confessed.

"Well I didn't plan on having kids, it just happened, and I accepted the challenge." I explained. "You don't think I'm freaking out right now, or even when I was pregnant with Scout, I think I'm freaking out more now then back then."

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