Chapter 20

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It had been a week since Eugene arrived, Negan remained in our home, only coming out in disguise to work on the community wall. Today I was working on the field for our garden, a few people were putting in posts to fence in the garden, and a few others, including myself, we're digging the field. I wore my large brimmed hat that John had gotten me, even though it was cold I still wanted cover from the sun.

"Did you hear?" I heard a woman quietly say near me.

"Hear what?" A man answered.

"Negan is here, with Eugene." She whispered, it was silent for a long time.

"How do you know this?" The man finally asked.

"I've heard a few people claim to have seen him. Working on the wall." She gossiped.

"What? If he didn't want people to know he was here, why would he be out in the open?" The man questioned in disgust.

"I don't know, but I heard Daryl asking for extra food to be delivered to their house, for nine people." The woman said even quieter, I continued pulling and pushing the hoe through the soft dirt. "There's only Daryl's family in that house, four if you count the baby, but the baby is too young to eat, so three people. Then Aaron, Carl and the two little girls are staying with them, and Eugene. You do the math." The woman hissed.

"Again what makes you think that extra person is Negan?" The man asked.

"It's just what I've heard." The woman shrugged.

I continued pushing the dirt into rows for planting, pretending I didn't hear literally everything that woman said. Once I was done with my section, I hurried away to find Aaron, and Negan, or at least Eugene.

"Hazel." I heard Daryl call me as I swiftly made my way through the community.

"Where's Negan?" I said in a hushed voice peering around.

"Back at the house." Daryl answered simply.

"People are talking. Some know he's here and it's only a matter of time." I hissed.

"He knew the risk coming here, we can't protect him forever." Daryl grumbled. "Take Rue." He saw how flustered I was. "Go back to the house." He passed me the baby and the carrier.

"What do we do?" I asked, putting the carrier on and tucking Rue inside.

"Just go to the house, I'll be there soon with Scout." Daryl reassured.

"Fuck." I said under my breath. Since getting pregnant with Rue, the word 'fuck' had become part of my vocabulary.

I began walking home, with Rue secure to my chest, I skimmed the community, seeing a few glares in the distance. My concentration was broken when someone slammed into my shoulder, making me take a couple steps back in shock.

"Watch it." A woman grumbled with a menacing glare.

"Excuse me?" My blood was already hot.

"I said watch it." The woman repeated.

"No, you ran into me on purpose, so what's your problem?" I growled back at her.

"You know." The woman wrinkled her brows and walked away.

I hurried home, finding Negan sitting on the couch reading, with his feet up, relaxing.

"It's too dangerous for you to be here. People know you're here." I said hastily.

"Well it was inevitable right?" Negan smirked. "It'll be fine." Negan shrugged it off.

I grumbled, and gritted my teeth, I took Rue to my bedroom, feeding her then laying her down so I could shower. I was so frustrated with this situation, more so worried I guess, I didn't know what they would do to him once they discovered he was really here. After my shower, I changed into clean clothes, at this point everyone began making their way home as well.

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