Chapter One

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Ok, before I get this thing started, there's a few things you guys need to know. First of all, I'm truly sorry if I make Ronnie seem like more of a dick than he is in real life, I apologize in advance for that, so please don't comment things like 'Ronnie's not that mean' and stuff like that, because I KNOW HE ISN'T. I might have made him meaner than he really is for the point of the story. SECOND- Live For Today's songs are, in this story, WRITTEN AND PERFORMED BY THEM!!! BUT IN REAL LIFE< THE SONGS BELONG TO OTHER ARTISTS, and I will post at the end of the chapter, all the songs and their rightful artists, but for the purpose of this story, THE SONGS BELONG TO THE BAND LIVE FOR TODAY. Just FYI. I think that's it... if there's anything else, I'll post at the end of the chapter. Anyways, so enjoy, feedback, and I love you all! <3

I clasped my mom's feeble hand, and tears streamed down my face as I soaked in the pink bandana over her hairless scalp... her shadowed eyes, and weak smile.

"I love you so much, Adeline," she shakily stroked the ends of my hair. My lip trembled as I attempted a smile. She pressed the button on the side panel of her hospital bed to raise it up to a sitting position. 

"Mama, what are you doing? You know it's harder for you to breathe this way," I flustered, unable to help. 

"Oh, Adeline, it doesn't make much of a difference," she wheezed, smiling sadly. "My time is coming," her sad smile disappeared. I furrowed my brows, confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked nervously, clenching her hand.

"I had a dream last night- my mother came to me."

"And... what did she say?" I prompted, my heart racing.

"That today... will be my day," she told me with finality. She truly believed this. I shook my head in denial. This couldn't happen... not now. Not today... not ever!

"Here you go, sweetheart," my dad entered, handing her a cup of ice water. "Why don't you lie down- you'll breathe easier," he smiled. She shook her head.

"No, dear. It's my time today," she looked down, starting to struggle for breath. I gulped as daddy exhaled raggedly. 

"You can't... it can't be," he denied, shaking his head furiously. I felt hot tears streak my cheeks as mama struggled for breath more and more.

"I... I love you both... so dearly. Never... ever forget th-that," she stuttered. "P-please c-call... the doct-tor," she wheezed before her head collapsed back on the bed, and the O2 machines went insane.

My mother was dead.

"MAMA!" I burst upright in bed, jolted awake by the nightmare. I'd had the same one almost every night for the past 6 months... the last few moments of my mom's life. 

She'd had breast cancer- the doctors thought they had gotten in all out in surgery, and we were home free. Unfortunately, they hadn't realized it had already metastasized to her lungs... and was already killing her.

6 months since her death. 6 months of nights of reliving her final moments.

I wiped the tears from my eyes, and checked my S5 phone.

"Fucking seriously?" I muttered. It was 3 in the damn morning. I sighed, and- knowing I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep anytime soon- pulled my long, dyed, darkish red scene hair up into a high messy bun, slipped my feet into my black moccassins, grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to the basement of my dad's little apartment thing. 

I hooked up the keyboard, got out my songbook, and returned to the song I'd been working on for the past few months. A song for my mom. Yeah, I had a band. I'd formed it shortly after the news of my mom's breast cancer diagnosis. I'd called it 'Live For Today'. We specialized in upbeat, dancey, poppy, and slow songs. I was lead vocals. My friend Marissa played the synthesizer/keyboard/guitar, and my friend Alexx played drums. We had 2 albums formed already, this song being the last of our 2nd one, but we still hadn't ever toured yet. We were still stuck playing little shows here and there- parties. Bars. Shit like that. Our manager said he's been trying hard to find a way we could go on Warped Tour this year, but no such luck yet. 

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