Chapter 29.

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"Get everything packed up, and we'll be back with a moving van," Ronnie instructed as the girls and I disembarked the bus with our bags. I smiled, and kissed his cheek.

"Ok," I agreed, and watched as the bus drove off. 

"Adeline! Alexx, Marissa!" 

"Daddy!" I wheeled around and ran to him, hugging him. "I missed you!"

"Ohh, I missed you, too! I've been surviving on pop tarts and hot pockets," he laughed. "So! We're going to live with a rock band?" 

"Yeah," I chuckled. "An awesome one," I added, entering the house. Everything was packed up- what little we had, anyway. Looks like dad got a head start on packing. I left my bags by the door, and went up to my room as Alexx and Marissa went home to pack up their own belongings. A small stack of cardboard boxes laid next to the door, and I quickly set them up and started getting all my stuff packed. My pillow, sheets, blanket... my sketchbooks, notebooks, writing utensils and drawing tools... all of my books... and that's about it. 

Dad helped me take it all downstairs, and we just... waited. Soon, Alexx and Marissa joined us with their own packed boxes. 

"Did you like touring?" Dad asked me.

"I loved it! It was so amazing! All the fans, and the bands! It's phenomenal," I gushed. "I can't wait until the next one!"

"It really was awesome- and so exhilerating!" Marissa grinned.

"Hey!" Jacky yelled from a giant U-Haul truck about an hour later. Jacky, Ryan, and Ronnie all hopped out and came over to us. "You guys ready?" Ryan asked.

We moved everything into the back of the truck- the boxes, and then the furniture.. the coffee table, the couch, the recliner, and the TV. Which was really the majority of what we had. 

Once the house was virtually empty, we got Marissa and Alexx up in the truck, then me, and then we were off to our new home.


"This good?" I asked Adeline as I set her boxes in the room connected to mine. Her room and my room were side by side, and connected by a single bathroom.  

"I love it," she smiled, gazing around at the maroon walls, and the espresso wood dresser and nightstand, and the queen sized bare mattress. I set her boxes in the open area, and leaned against the doorjamb as I watched her fold her clothes and get them put into her new dresser, and then set her books in the black wood bookcase on the far wall next to the bay window... then her notebooks and... sketchbooks, they looked like... in her nightstand drawer. She put all her things away, and stocked the bathroom with her shower/girly stuff. 

After all that was finished, she started to make her bed with the blanket, sheet, and pillow from the last box.

"I think I may need new bed stuff," she laughed, gesturing to the twin sized sheet and blanket that barely covered the mattress.

"Oh, hold on," I left the room and went to the hall pantry, which contained towels, spare sheets, 2 first aid kits, and a few flashlights. I grabbed a set of black sheets, returned to Adeline's room, and helped her get the fitted black cotton sheet over the mattress. "Do you, uh... do you need a blanket, too?" I asked politely, trying not to sound judgmental or anything... because I'd say she does need one. The blanket over her bed now was tattered and torn, and had ragged holes here and there.

Not to mention it was fucking thin as shit. 

"Uhh..." she looked at it embarrassedly, and back at me. "Yeah," she whispered shyly. I went to my bedroom, grabbed the gray comforter and black pillow off my bed, and brought it to her. I laid the comforter on her bed, and smoothed it out, and then set my black pillow next to her red one. At least her pillow was nice and clean and comfortable-looking. It left me without a blanket or pillow for myself, but I didn't care- I'd rather be uncomfortable and shit rather than her be cold and unable to sleep well.

Besides, I could just steal Jacky's. 

"Mmm... it smells like you," she smiled as she sat on her bed. I grinned.

"That's cause it's mine," I smirked. She looked up at me, and beamed.

"Aw... thank you, baby," she said.

"I'm about to get started on dinner. Do you wanna come help?" I asked, knowing the answer. She jumped up, and grabbed my hand.

"What are we making?" she asked brightly.

"Hmm... whatever we can find," I chuckled. I led her down the hallway and to the stairs, stopping along the way to steal Jacky's cover and pillow.

Hee hee.

We went downstairs, and Adeline sat with her dad and talked while I got dinner started. 

"Hey, guys!" Josh called as he strolled in, with Ryan the manager behind him.

"What's up," I nodded in greeting as I stirred the mac and cheese. What? I'm not a fucking gourmet chef. Besides, mac and cheese was fucking good. 

"I've got some news for you girls," Ryan stated. 

"What is it?" Alexx asked.

"Well, I'm afraid I can't be the manager for Live For Today anymore."

"What do you mean?" Marissa questioned worriedly.

"I'm not that kind of manager. My job is specifically to assist upcoming bands and enable them to begin their touring. Once they finish their first tour, I am required to find a new, permanent manager for them."

"What... but what about us? What are we gonna do without a manager?" Alexx demanded, her irritation showing. I'd be pissed, too. That's fucking terrible. You can't go too far without a fucking manager. 

"That's where the good news comes in," Josh spoke up. We all trained our eyes on him.

"Josh will be your new manager," Ryan smiled.

"Welcome to Epitaph Records, girls. All you have to do is sign a contract," Josh grinned cheerfully. 

"Oh.. wow..." Marissa breathed, glancing at Jacky. Wait.. so they were gonna share our manager? 

"One more bit of good news... I can arrange your separate tours so that you can tour together and share buses, if you'd like," he informed us. My eyes widened, and I grinned- no more separation from Adeline! We could tour together.. and be on the same bus again! Fucking sweet!

"PARTTTYYY!" the guys and I yelled out.

Life cannot get any better than this. 

EEK Ok sooo I know it sucks. Trust me. I just.. IDK I didn't have too many ideas of how to do this chapter, so I just... let it come to me, haha

ANYWAYS I do hope you liked it though!!! Dont forget to smile! And no, it isn't over yet dont worry :P 

Pic of Adeline to the side <3 

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