Chapter 23.

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"Come on, come on, come on! We're behind schedule! You were supposed to leave an hour ago!" Josh ushered us out of the Jack In The Box, our arms laden with food and drinks. It was 5 in the evening, and apparently we were supposed to leave at 4. 

"Well, why didn't you remind us?" I asked innocently, subtly switching the blame as I popped a fry in my mouth. 

"Yeah, Josh! You slacker!" Ronnie threw a tomato slice  at his face. I laughed as Josh grimaced and wiped the mess off his face.

"Whatever. Just go!" the managers all but shoved us on the bus The door wasn't even closed all the way when the bus lurched forward, causing me to stumble. I sat down quickly at the table to eat my spicy chicken sandwich (no tomato, ick), and my mind started to process...

"So," I said, "we're going to Milwaukee, which is an 8 hour drive from here. Even if we left at 4, we still would only arrive at midnight... so what was Josh's rush?" I pondered.

"Josh is anal," Jacky replied, devouring his burger. "If we're even 5 minutes late form the departing time, he flips shit. We don't even play in Milwaukee until noon."

"Damn. Is he anal  like that about everything?" Alexx questioned.

"Not really. Josh is.... weird," Ronnie answered, taking a seat next to me. When we wre all done with our food, I changed into my PJ's and grabbed my Harry Poter book, and went to Ronnie's room and read. Not long after, Ronnie came in, yawning, in nothing but PJ pants. He groaned as he slid under the covers, our feet brushing together. 

"I'm so tired," I yawned, shutting my book and turning over to face Ronnie. My Ronnie. 

"Join the club," he laughed, and opened his arms to me. I scooted over and he enclosed his strong biceps around me. I reveled in his warmth and sighed contentedly.

"God... I love it when you hold me," I whispered, nestling cloer into his perfect body. He tightened his hold on me and chuckled lowly.

"Good, cause I fucking love holding you," he replied. I looked up at him, and smoothed his black hair, the softness pleasant. I licked lightly up his throat, making him groan. I tightened my grip on the back of his head, and started sucking the skin at his neck, leaving a dark-as-fuck hickey. He slipped his fingers to my waist, and squeezed. I let out a moan, and gyrated my hips.

"Fuck, Adeline..." he groaned against my neck. I pulled his face up and crashed our lips together, fighting for domination. I frantically tangled my fingers in his long hair, not getting enough of him. He tasted like Fresh Mint... mmmm. 

"Fuck... oh, fuck, Adeline..." he moaned, rolling over on top of me, his body hovering above mine. Our tongues clashed and fought, and I could tell that Ronnie was losing control.

"Ronnie!" I cried as he ground his hips into mine, sending sparks of pleasure through my body. I undulated my body in waves against his, arching my back. He clumsily tried to yank my shirt off, too frantic to do it efficiently. I helped him out by pulling it off.

"Fuck, you're so goddamned perfect," he groaned, reaching back and unclasping my bra and throwing it across the room.

"Oh... Ronnie..." I breathed as he took one of my breasts into his mouth, licking and sucking, driving me insane. I reached down and pulled off his PJ pants, leaving him naked. He returned the favor by slowly... teasingly... pulling off my shorts and thong.

I grasped his face and yanked it to mine, relishing  in the pure pleasure of his bare stomach and chest against mine. I could feel his hard dick against my lower belly... and I wanted it so badly. 

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