Chapter 26.

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I'm sorry it takes so long to update! Im so busy with school!! :( I have been writing though, so don't worry!!! ENJOY MY LOVES <3


"Ughhhh are we almost theeerrrreee?" I whined. We were on our way to Helena, Montana- a 20. Hour. Drive. From Wilwaukee. We'd left last night at 9, and it was currently 3 in the afternoon.

"2 more hours, Adeline. Hang in there," Alexx laughed.

"I don't think I'll make it... I might explode!" I groaned dramatically. I started taking deep breaths, and fanned myself with my hands exaggeratedly. I was in a major dilemma. Like, a life or death situation.

I was craving Dr. Pepper. And there weren't any on the bus. Anywhere. And we were on a highway. In the middle of fucking nowhere. As in, no chance to stop and get one from a convenience store or anything. I was fucked

"You're so dramatic," Jacky threw a couch pillow at me. I caught it and threw it back.

"Hey, Adeline? Can you come here for  a minute?" Ronnie asked from the doorway of his bedroom. I jumped up and went over to him, and joined him on his bed.

"What is it, babe?" I asked. He unlocked his phone, and as he opened FaceBook, I froze in fear. "M-More threats?" I whispered. He looked at me, and shook his head quickly. 

"No, no... definitely not," he told me. I relaxed, and peeked at the screen. "Remember how you told me you and the girls wrote Swing Life Away for a fan who was going through hard times and made it through?"


"Well, it... it kinda inspired me, I guess. I want your help. I wanna write a song for this girl, and it's gonna be slow- not my style really at all. You know? So.. yeah. I, uh... need your help," he said, handing me his phone. Someone named Kristian Mallory had posted on his wall. 

Kristian Mallory posted on your wall: Ronnie, I heard about all the shit you and Adeline have been going through! I am so sorry, and I want you to know that none of it is true, Ronnie! You need to remember all of us- your fans! We support you and we love you, man. You've been such an inspiration to me! I've always held myself down to make others happy, and it never worked. I still got teased and picked on. I just wanted friends who liked me for me. But then I found your music, and I was... whole again. So thank you, Ronnie. You've healed me, and I can't wait to see your last Warped Tour performance! I'll be there- I live in Portland! :) And remember- just keep holding on, Ronnie. Just keep holding on. -3:16 p.m 

"Wow. Yeah, we can definitely get something down... I've already got some ideas going through my head," I grinned. He grabbed a notebook and sat back down next to me. 

"Let's see... how should it start out? How should the melody go?" he asked, tapping his chin with a pen. I took it and scribbled down a set of notes and pitches, and sang them softly.

"There's the melody- now we just need some lyrics," I told him. We brainstormed for a bit... and then started writing a song for Kristian Mallory.

"LEEDLE LEEDLE LEEDLE LEEDLE LEEDLE!" Jacky and I sang as we clasped hands and danced around in a circle in the living area. We stopped, and sat back down on the floor with everyone else. 

"Ok. Happy?" I glared at Alexx, who was grinning like a madwoman.


It was currently 8 at night, the bus was parked, and we were all engaging in a timeless, immature game. 

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