Chapter 16.

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Hi guys!! Another update! Yay! Shoutout to Morgan, aka YouLittle______   

:) Her book 'I'm stuck in a love triangle' is AWESOME and you should all go read it, or I'll come to your house and shove it in your face and MAKE YOU read it. >:)

Just kidding. ENJOY!!! <3



"YES! LEVEL 46!" I yelled as my Charmander leveled up. Ronnie leaned back, rubbing his ear and grimacing. I smiled sheepishly at him. "Sorry, Ronnie," I squeaked.

"I'm sorry, what was that? I don't think you yelled loud enough!" he joked. "You know, we have no lives. We've been sitting here for hours playing Pokemon," he snickered. I shrugged.

"It's Pokemon- it's totally worth it. Hey, what time is it?"

"It's.... 8:00," Jacky answered. Sweet- 4 more hours until we were in Boston.

"Well I, for one, am tired as shit. I bid you bitches goodnight," I stood up. "Jacky, Ryan- wear. A. Condom," I glared at the boys, who blushed as the girls giggled. I smirked, and strolled into Ronnie's room to quickly change into my PJ's. When I'd undressed completely except for my bra and underwear, the door opened.

"Agh!!" I shrieked, whipping around to see who it was.

"Oh, God! I'm so sorry!" Ronnie yelled while shutting the door. I quickly dressed, and told him it was ok to enter. He came in, and I could still see the blush on his face.

"Um... so.... yeah, I'm s-so sorry," he apologized again. I grinned... honestly, it hadn't bothered me, really. 

"Don't worry about it," I laughed. "It was bound to happen eventually!" He loosened up, and smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Come on- let's go to bed." I tugged him to the mattress, and we laid down.

Minutes passed... eventually an hour went by, and I still hadn't fallen asleep. I sighed heavily. 

"Adeline?" Ronnie murmured tentatively. I looked at him- he was gazing at the ceiling.


"What... what do you think about at night?" he asked. Well, that was... philosophical.

"I think about... what I want in life. Who I want in life. I think about my mom... and my dad. I think about ideas for new songs. What about you?"

"I think... about where life's going to take me. About what I'll do when I get old, who I'll be with. I like to think about our fans, and how we help them," he replied. I grinned.

"Damn, Radke. I didn't know you had a deep side," I teased lightly. He turned over to face me, and seemed to hesitate.

"I do when it comes to you," he finally responded. I opened my mouth to say.. .something, but my voice caught. He smirked.

"Night, Adeline," he winked, and turned back over... and started snoring.

Bastard. I scoffed, and finally fell asleep myself.

"Ready?" Ronnie asked.

"Ready"., I smirked determinedly. 

"And... go!" Jacky called as he clicked the stopwatch. Ronnie and I began doing push ups at the exact same pace. It was 1 in the afternoon, 3 hours before FIR played, and we had somehow gotten roped into having a pushup contest against each other. I felt sweat start drippnig, and my biceps and abs started to slowly burn. I exhaled, and kept at it.

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