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[A Week Before Polaroid Was Released]

JaeHee was currently at sm's studio to record a song with a fellow artist from her company. She was really excited, as they said it would be an English song as well.

She was scrolling through her phone, checking her social media. The hate on her had finally dialed down, and she was now able to continue promoting with her group, though there was no point, as she only got to promote with them for two more days.

She was chuckling at one comment, when the door opened to reveal the person. "Sorry I was late. Taeyong hyung was holding me back." JaeHee looked up from her phone to see Mark. She bit her lip as she tried to hide her smile.

He looked towards her before smiling as well. He didn't know it was her, and he was glad, as he would be able to let lose and perform well with her. "Ok well, we'll let you two catch up, while we get things set up, ok?" The two nod, bowing their heads in politeness.

When the director went back, JaeHee got up and went to hug him. The two hadn't been able to talk for the time being, as JaeHee was busy promoting with the group. "Hey~" She giggled, before letting lose from his neck, still stuck in his embrace.

"Hey." He replied her with a soft smile. JaeHee and him had started dating a few weeks back, as they had been going out with one other for two weeks prior. They sat down on the couch, while holding eachothers hands, still smiling like idiots.

"You excited for your comeback?" After JaeHee was able to perform with exo, she was also officially allowed to have her comeback. She was going to bring out her album and mv tomorrow, and perform live on the same day, and she just couldn't be more excited.

"I'm excited, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous." He nodded his head in understanding, smiling at her softly. They talked a little, talking about how they were doing and how the boys were and everything.

"So, you're talking to them?" She shaked her head with sigh, looking down to her lap. "'s been so awkward between us, and I seriously hate it. Even the guys themselves are being awkward with eachother!" Mark shaked his head in disapproval, feeling sympathetic for her.

"You should try and talk to them after this, and reconcile with them. You obviously miss eachother, and it's really time to stop beating around the bush." JaeHee nodded. Understanding his statement. "I will after this. Thank you" He shakes his head "What for?"


After a long day, JaeHee had finally gotten home. She had gotten out the car where her and Mark's manager where, saying goodbye to everyone, and left to get to her dorm.

JaeHee had finally reached the door, and she could feel her heart beat out of her chest. She knew that it was time to face this problem, but she didn't know how. Breathing in and out slowly, she remembers Marks words and decided that it really was to stop beating around the bush.

It was time to talk.

Opening the door with full confidence, she was able to spot her members in the kitchen, near the stove. They turned around to look at their youngest member, and everyone went silent. JaeHee looked at all of them in the eyes before walking towards them. She grabbed Junmyeon's two hands and wrapped it around her waist, pulling him into a hug. "I'm sorry..." She mumbles quietly, squeezing his waist in the process, while he reciprocated the hug.

"To everyone. I-...I'm really really sorry. Not for calling you guys out when you wouldn't talk to me. No, you all deserved that. But, what i am sorry about is the fact that I couldn't bring myself to forgive you guys. Your like my second family, and I don't know what I would do without you." As she finished talking, the boys slowly gathered round to hug her.

No words were said, but she knew that they meant they were sorry too. She was glad that now that this was in the past for all of them, and that now they're talking again. After awhile, JaeHee got out of the boys grasp, and smiled at all of them. "It's nice talking to you again, Jae. We really missed you..." She nodded, smiling back at Chanyeol.

"Ok, to celebrate us talking to each other, wanna have a cookie, Jae? We named them!" JaeHee sighed, before looking up at them playfully with a judgemental gaze, chuckling as she said the next words.

"Who burnt the damn cookies?"


Yay! Jae and the boys are talking again! I just wanted you all to know that I am extremely grateful for all the reads baby girl is getting. You all mean the world to me, and I am honestly just so grateful. Once again, thank you.


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