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~Two months later~

I sigh as read the script once again. My manger had told me to, as I have to go on set for the last episode tomorrow, yet I've told her like a million times that I knew the script from the back of my head, yet she doesn't listen. My original manager was going on holiday with her family, and now they brought a substitute.

She was horrible and mean, and she made me overwork. Chanyeol was right, I shouldn't have taken the role. This has been too much work for me, and I feel like as if I'm about to go crazy. My head is pounding, and my eyes keep drooping asleep. I nearly fall asleep again, when I hear a knock on my door.

I quickly run my eyes, and make my way to my door, using a lot of my energy. I open it to find Junmyeon at the door. "Ah...oppa. What is it?" I try to make my voice sound full of energy, as I don't want to give away now tired I am.

He eyes me suspiciously before shrugging his shoulders. "We're going to go to practice in an hour, so that we can get ready for our upcoming comeback. Get ready, okay Bunnie?" I chuckle at him, as he is his usual motherly self and nod my head, saying I'll be out soon.

I close the door and sigh, extremely exhausted. I just want to sleep. We were going out in an hour, and so I still have a bit of time left. I leave my room, and walk into Sehun oppa's room. I knock on his door, and hear him mumble a 'come in'. I open the door, and pop my head inside smiling a little. "Oppa...Can I stay here for a bit?" He had turned his head to look at me and was smiling softly, his hand mentioning me to come over.

I close the door behind me, and run towards him, jumping into his bed. "Omph, babygirl don't kill me." I giggle and cuddle him tightly, and all of a sudden tears start to form in the brim of my eyes. Maybe because I'm tired, maybe because I'm emotionally and physically drained to the point that I can't breathe, that I'm crying.

Whatever the reason, I just needed someone to hold on to at this moment. The tears start to fall on his shoulders, and I start to sniffle, causing Sehun oppa to look at me in worry. "JaeHee? What's wrong baby?" I break down crying and I feel like I'm up to my limit. I can't think right now and I do I'm just here clinging onto his shoulder while crying, causing everywhere to be a complete mess.

"O-Oppa...I'm so s-sorry. It's all my fault!" Yes. I shouldn't have taken the role. If I had just listened and maybe understood that I couldn't do it, I wouldn't be here. I shouldn't have made myself look strong, when I knew myself that I couldn't do it. "JaeHee! What's wrong?!" I cling onto his neck, and I'm practically wailing now. "I-I can't do it! I'm tired. I shouldn't have taken the role. You all were right. This is too much for me, I can't oppa! I-" He starts to rock back and forth in his arms, muttering in my ears that it's okay.

"Baby...Its not your fault. It never was...Just cry all you want. Do you want me to call the others?" I shake my head no, as I am too ashamed to face the others right now. "It's ok. You realised you couldn't do it all at once, and even though it's been a while, you were able to know that it was too much.

realise that you can do anything, but there is a limit when something is too much. No matter what, we all love you and we will accept your mistakes as long as you mend them...okay?" I nod my head, mumbling a weak 'okay' in his ear. I feel very light now, because it feels good to be able to have everything off my chest. I'm honestly so glad.

Lol, I have nothing to say.



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