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JaeHee had been evicted from the hospital that same day, and left to go to the dorms. Her sister was taken home by Suho and her manager and Sehun, Chanyeol and Baekhyun had stayed behind to have her get set to go home. "You ready?" She looked up to Sehun with a blank stare, showing no emotion towards him.

"Yeah." She put on her hoodie, and walked out the room. Sehun sighed as he hated seeing her go through this. He wished he turn back time and help her, but...what could he do? He was powerless, just like the others too.

The ride home was silent and no one dared to speak. Baekhyun didn't make a dumb joke, Sehun didn't make a snarky remark, the others weren't as noisy. It was just pure silence.

Nobody knew what to say, nor do, so they just kept quiet.


As soon as they entered the dorm, JaeHee silently left the others, going to her room. She closed the door behind her. The boys were worried about her, but knew she needed space, so they reluctantly left her alone.

The minute JaeHee was out of view from the boys, she had burst into a fit of tears. She was hurt, in pain. Her only parent left of her family was gone. Her father was gone, and now her mother was too. Why was life so cruel?

She sobbed into her knees as she reminisced all her happy moments with her mother and sister. Those happy moments that she couldn't fulfill anymore. They were no longer going to laugh about how their mom had a chunk of flour in her hair.

Or how she left the oven on for hours, or how she snores so loudly when she's asleep. They might seem like the silliest memories to someone who was looking at it from the outside, but to JaeHee that's what made her mother special.

She was not like all those other moms she was...unique. And now she'll be lost. Forever.

She continued to cry, but halts with a hiccup when she heard the doorbell ring. Probably Junmyeon, as she didn't see him when she came back. But it wasn't.

"Hyung! Where is she?" JaeHee stopped crying for second heaving horribly. "What? What are you doing here, aren't you meant to be in Japan? And how did you know?" JaeHee got up from her bed, and slowly walked towards the door, opening it a little.

"Chaemi told me. Is she in her room-" JaeHee cries silently with a sniffle, catching everyone's attention when they realized she wasn't in her room anymore. "Mark..." She cries, causing the boys heart to break. She looked a mess.

"Baby..." He quickly went up to her, and engulfing her into a hug, which she didn't deny, nor reciprocate. "Shh..." The boys knew they should leave them be, so they all went to their respective rooms.

"Mark...You shouldn't be here...You know that" he shook his head, obviously disagreeing with her. "Of course I should be here. After what Chaemi told me...I had to come see if you were okay."

Maybe if JaeHee wasn't seeing straight that she would be annoyed, maybe if none of this happened she would scold Mark right on the spot. But that's just it. She wasn't.

She let her tears fall, and pulled Mark closer to her, afraid that maybe he'll disappear too. "Thank you. Thank you so much..." She sobs into his jacket, making Mark look away as he too was on the verge of tears.

He didn't want to see her cry. I mean, whose boyfriend would want to see their girlfriend cry?

He just stood there and stayed quiet, letting her cry in his arms.


sksjegakdjka I promise, just a few more chapters and the angst will be over, I promise!

For now, here's a cute gif of Mark!

For now, here's a cute gif of Mark!

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